I happened upon this article yesterday about the
top 10 creepiest things kids have said to their parents, and it was pretty funny. And also somewhat unsettling. The number one submission is downright hilarious. And very creepy. I won't spoil it for you by writing it here. Sibling rivalry seems to be a good source for creepy candor from the junior set. I can only imagine the stuff that came out of my older sister's mouth when I was born. She wasn't exactly happy to meet me. My daughter is two so the things she says are less creepy right now and more just funny or cute. That is, if we can decipher what she's saying. She's not keen on syllables so she often only says the first syllable of many words. The ones we particularly enjoy her shouting in public include: "I want crack!" That is, crackers. "Do my butt." Translation: Do up my buttons. My husband just loves when she screams that one aloud at the local grocery store. Most recently, she kept asking my sister, "Where's my neck?" Poor Auntie Irene could only guess: "Um, on your body?" That is, until I translated that she was actually looking for her necklace. I'm kind of looking forward to what little ditties she will unleash as she learns more words. A friend's six-year-old daughter has taken to leaving her cryptic notes from her old typewriter with warnings like: "you r in dange". (See top photo.) All I can say to that is pure awesomeness.