Culture & Entertainment
Corporal Nathan Cirillo, another fallen hero

Culture & Entertainment
Corporal Nathan Cirillo, another fallen hero
Rest in peace: Corporal Nathan Cirillo, October 22, Ottawa, Ontario.

Corporal Nathan Cirillo, reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces, shot and killed at the National War Memorial in Ottawa (Photo: Facebook)
We know very little about him. We owe him so much. His name: Corporal Nathan Cirillo, based out of Hamilton, Ontario. He was a reservist with the Canadian Armed Forces. He was only 24 years old. Corporal Nathan Cirillo was standing, honorably I imagine, guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the National War Memorial in Ottawa this morning. That's when he was shot by an unknown attacker, and died later in hospital. Canadians worry about their family and loved ones in the military, especially the men and women serving overseas with the Canadian Armed Forces. We fear for their safety, we fear for their lives. Last year we welcomed home thousands of Canadian soldiers as they returned from the mission in Afghanistan. For many, the departure of the last soldiers from Kabul was attended with a sigh of relief. As a nation, we welcomed them home as heroes. The feeling, whether spoken aloud or not, was palpable: They're home now. They're safe. No one can hurt them. Perhaps that's why today's senseless tragedy at the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa is so hard to accept, so shocking. To the family and loved ones of Corporal Cirillo, our heartfelt condolences. He joins our national list of heroes.