Commuting on the train has proven to be much more relaxing than the morning drive on the highway. I get to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. This suits my bump - or “John” as my son likes to call him - and me just fine, until the train arrives at my destination. Then the rat race begins. I swear everyone is in a rush. All. The. Time. There's something about commuting that makes full-grown adults act like children. I'm a former early childhood educator who has worked with both school-aged children as well as preschool children. I’m also a
mom of two children under the age of seven, so I’m quite familiar with childlike behaviour. I've been commuting on the train for about a month now and I have made some observations that just leave me stunned at some aspects of human nature.
A “Me first!” attitude When I worked with children there was always a fight about who would be first in line. Whether we were getting the kids to line up to go outside, go inside,
wash their hands or try out a new toy in the home area., there was always a race to be first. This is
normal behavior… for a three-year-old. Over the past month I've observed that fully grown adults will push and shove their way to be first for just about anything.
Rushing to exit the train We all have places to be – I have to be on time for work and to pick up my children from daycare at the end of the day. I'm sure others are in the same boat as well. But I’m not going to push and shove my way through the crowd to be first. I'm happy to wait until everyone leaves the train before I even attempt to get up from my seat. What’s the point? I’m just going to end up in a line to leave the train then, in another lineup to get down the narrow stairs or escalator. And being 20 weeks pregnant, I’d rather sit and wait anyway.
Pushing through the crowd Then there's the rat race through the train station to get to the crowded street. Are these people really that eager to get to work FIRST? I get it, everyone has stuff to do: meetings to attend, lunches to eat and clients to schmooze. But what ever happened to common courtesy? Can’t I walk down the street at a comfortable pace without someone huffing and puffing behind me in frustration because they can’t pass me? I'm a petite person and I've had a few near misses from people with tunnel vision who are in a rush who just don't see me. Come on, people! At
20 weeks pregnant I already feel myself slowing down. How unfortunate for the people walking behind me.
Image courtesy flickrCC/canmark