Culture & Entertainment
Coming home to pets? Home sweet home

Culture & Entertainment
Coming home to pets? Home sweet home
A couple of weeks ago the Life Blog introduced you to one of our magazine's interns, Tasha, who in turn introduced you to the woman who inspires her – her grandmother. Like the rest of the Canadian Living staff, Tasha loves animals. And like most of you, she's a proud pet parent. We asked her to tell us the best part about coming home to her cat and dog. [caption id="attachment_11548" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Cuddling up with Jazz is a great way to end the day"]
By Tasha Zanin When I leave the city every month to go home to Innisfil, Ont., a small city about an hour north of Toronto, I look forward to two things: my dog, Cody, greeting me at the door and cuddling with my cat, Jazz, when I inevitably fall asleep on the couch. (Seeing my family again and the possibility of finding Tostitos in the cupboard also rank high on the list.) Back when I lived at home my dog would bound down the stairs and meet me at the door, a ball of energy ready for his
walk. Those routine after-school walks were de-stressing then, and seeing him has the same influence now. It’s no wonder I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders when I walk in the door. [caption id="attachment_11549" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Cody always greets me with a welcoming face when I come home."]
[/caption] My troubles can’t follow me home because I have an aging dog guarding the door. It’s that calm feeling that reminds me that all my homework and worries can wait until I get back to school, back to work and back to the city. Cuddling with my cat has a similar effect. There’s something about napping with a cat – pros of the sport – that makes even the “Grey’s Anatomy” finale seem irrelevant. I know it’s been said that
petting a cat or dog is therapeutic, but for me coming home to cozy up next to my cat after a stressful week is the best way to relax. And even when I return to Toronto, I’m told she still sleeps on my bed. So I know she’ll still be there when I come back, just like I can trust that when I turn the key to the front door, my dog will be there to greet me on the other side. That’s the best part about coming home to pets: it’s coming home to a haven shared with someone who loves you.
How do your pets greet you at the end of a hard day? What's your favourite thing about coming home to a pet?
