Culture & Entertainment

Christmas teacher gifts for great educators

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Christmas teacher gifts for great educators

I'm going to let you in on a little secret—my go-to Christmas gift for really great teachers. This is for the teacher your child adores and that you adore too because they make your child excited about learning, about school, about getting up in the morning to go to school. It is for that wonderful music instructor or daycare provider who are a huge part of your child's life. What is it? A cozy throw blanket. You may be thinking "That's it? What's the big deal? Wouldn't they rather have a bottle of wine?" Well, it is not so much the blanket but what it represents. These teachers have treated my child with such warmth that I want to provide some to them as well. I package it with a lovely handwritten holiday card from my daughter with a note from me thanking them for being so lovely with my daughter. I know it is not as much as they deserve, but I hope it conveys how grateful we are for what they do. Fortunately you can find some beautiful ones on sale this time of year for about $25 or less. It also makes a wonderful end-of-year gift if you have already purchased your holiday gifts for everyone. So what do you give to the teachers, instructors or daycare providers in your child's life for Christmas? Photo courtesy of Designs by CnC via Flickr Creative Commons      


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Culture & Entertainment

Christmas teacher gifts for great educators
