Culture & Entertainment
Celebrate the International Day of Happiness on March 20th

Culture & Entertainment
Celebrate the International Day of Happiness on March 20th
By Tanya Debi
Don't worry, be happy! Get ready to smile brightly because
The United Nations has marked March 20th as the International Day of Happiness. Didn't know this was a thing? Well, here's a bit of history to help you understand the purpose of this initiative: In 2011, the UN adopted a resolution that saw happiness as a "fundamental human goal" and called for a "balanced approach to economic growth, that promotes the happiness and well-being of everyone." The very next year, the UN conference on Happiness took place and announced March 20th, as the International Day of Happiness, and was celebrated for the first time in 2013. Here's another fun fact:
We can thank a little country called Bhutan for inspiring the International Day of Happiness. Bhutan, located in between China and India, uses a national happiness index model to evaluate progress, rather than a gross domestic product model. Let that sink in for a minute. Every year, the UN promotes a different theme leading up to March 20th. For 2015, the UN is calling on everyone to
focus on his or her connections with others. Technology makes us feel like there are so many people surrounding us each day, but the reality is that we aren't physically interacting with anyone. Instead, we are glued to our phones or concerned with what we have to do next. Let's make the world a more connected place, even if it's for a day, and bond with the people around us. The United Nations Foundation is hosting numerous activities on March 20th, including partnering with Google and music artist Pharrell Williams to present the largest online Happy Party! All you have to do is
upload your own photos to and these photos will be turned into energetic gifs, to the song
"Happy" by Pharrell Williams. You can also spread positive messages in person and online via Twitter and Instagram, too!
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you... For many Canadians, I think the date of March 20th is fitting because it is also the first day of the March Equinox, aka Spring. I find that the minute the snow starts to melt and the temperatures start to move above the freezing mark, many Canadians all around are generally in a happier mood. So go on, share that new-found joyful attitude.
Only good can come from it! Here are some videos to continue fueling the happiness.
What makes you happy? Many people are on the pursuit of happiness, and while everyone has their own definition of what
happiness is, how does one go about getting it?
In this series of videos, different experts give interesting answers and theories to this question.
Work happier. Why is it that we're always anticipating the weekend? Why can't we enjoy the workweek that is presented to us? Maybe we need to be happier at work.
This series of videos from TED focuses on how happiness can lead to better work and therefore, a better workweek.
Charming talks for a boost on a bad day. Bad days happen to the best of us, but it doesn't mean that these days have to bring us down!
Here is a collection of talks that will certainly cheer you up.
A better you. Are you looking for a positive change in your life?
These talks will inspire you to find and add that optimism to the many aspects of your beautiful life.
A compilation of funny cats. Self-explanatory. Kittens that will make you smile. [HTML1]
How will you celebrate on the International Day of Happiness?
