Culture & Entertainment
Calling all pranksters! Help this April Fool's Day birthday girl pull her first prank

Culture & Entertainment
Calling all pranksters! Help this April Fool's Day birthday girl pull her first prank
I have a secret I'd like to share with you.
I'm an April Fool's Day baby. Yup. I was born on the holiest of joke days.
I wasn't always forthcoming with this information. At one point in my life, I told everyone that my birthday was April 2.
I got so tired of everyone calling me a fool. Sometimes I didn't even know them. I would walk down the halls at school and I'd hear "Hey, I heard it's your birthday. Ha, ha, you fool!"
Actually, thinking back, I don't think I ever received a birthday card that didn't have FOOL written all over it. My friends even decorated my locker with huge block letters spelling out (you guessed it) FOOL.
But, I've celebrated enough birthdays on this joke-telling, prank-pulling, fool-calling day that I think I've come to terms with it.
I'm not hiding any longer. After all, this is MY day. I'm going to embrace it and I'm going to do what I should have done years ago... I'm going to become the world's greatest prankster.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Happy April Fool's Day! (Photo credit: Mykl Roventine)"]
From this year forward, my April Fool's Day birthday will never be the same again.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Oh yeah. One more thing. Since I'm new to this, I need your help. I've never pulled a prank before, so I'm calling on the assistance of all you pranksters out there. Please share your best prank with me before Sunday, April 1, and I'll share one of my birthday presents with you. (The prize winner will be randomly selected on Monday, April 2.)
Hee hee hee.
Happy birthday to me!
