Project Breastfeeding is a new campaign started and aimed at men. The goal is to educate men about breastfeeding. Creator
Hector Cruz says he wanted to start the campaign after his wife had such trouble breastfeeding their daughter and was in such physical pain while feeding He felt at a loss of what to do to help his wife. But this project doesn't only aim to educate men about how breastfeeding works, it also hopes to empower women and de-stigmatize public breastfeeding.

The campaign features some striking images of dads holding their babies as if they were breastfeeding them, to show that if men could, they would breastfeed their babies. "It's a show of support for every mom out there," Cruz says. I applaud Cruz for this campaign. It's about time someone made men feel more included in the breastfeeding process. Though I think the bigger issue, which I'm glad he's focusing on, is removing the stigma around breastfeeding. It still astonishes me that in today's age so many people have issues with women breastfeeding in public. Just a few weeks ago a mom tweeted at
Delta Airlines asking about their breastfeeding policy because her son will not feed with a cover on top of him. Delta responded that "unfortunately you are not able to breast feed if you don't have a cover up." And a firestorm began. Delta eventually backpedaled and said they welcome all breastfeeding moms and babies. But frankly the damage had already been done. I think it's awful that Delta even has to have a breastfeeding policy, in my mind the policy should be you are free to feed your child however you choose. But apparently in 2014, people still have issues with mothers feeding their children. I hope that Project Breastfeeding succeeds in educating men about breastfeeding and helps to remove some of the stigma. Maybe the image of a man without his shirt "breastfeeding" his child is what the world needs to see to be more accepting of women breastfeeding. That's sad that we need a man to make it acceptable, but frankly whatever it takes to make public breastfeeding acceptable all over, is fine with me.
What do you think of the Project Breastfeeding campaign?
Photos courtesy of Hector Cruz of Project Breastfeeding