Culture & Entertainment
Be Kind to Animals Week: Part 3

Culture & Entertainment
Be Kind to Animals Week: Part 3
May 4 to 10 is Be Kind to Animals Week. Look to our five-part daily instalments for helpful ways to join the compassion movement and improve welfare for our furry and feathered friends.
Day 3: Go vegan... at least temporarily For those who aren't interested in giving up bacon permanently, this week is the perfect time to temporarily cut out or reduce your consumption of meat. Factory farms deprive animals of exercise; keep them in small, filthy cages; feed them drugs; and genetically alter them. Those who survive the horrid conditions face a difficult transport from farm to slaughterhouse, and then have their throats slit, often while still conscious, or are plunged into scalding hot water for defeathering. Find the truth hard to swallow? Even those who love meat can help lessen animal suffering. Reduce your intake of meat, dairy and eggs this week, or opt for organic, local, free-run options. Skip the steak come dinnertime and consult your doctor or nutritionist to discuss the benefits of a vegan or vegetarian diet. The best part? Not only does a meatless diet save lives and the environment, a vegetarian diet is linked to heart health and a reduced risk of cancer. For more ideas on how to take part in Be Kind to Animals Week, see
Part 1 and
Part 2 of the series.
(Photo courtesy Stockvault)
