Culture & Entertainment
Alberta Premier Alison Redford takes daughter on trips

Culture & Entertainment
Alberta Premier Alison Redford takes daughter on trips
Globe and Mail reports
Premier Alison Redford defends her "mom status" regarding bringing her 12-year-old daughter on business trips.
Based on the article, it sounds as though the province has rules against bringing family members on government aircraft, but it's not clear whether that is the issue here. It's an interesting question. My first reaction is that as long as the Premier is paying all the costs of bringing a family member along, and has adequate supervision (like a nanny or another family member) and doesn't miss any key meetings or fail to be probably is not my business. It doesn't feel professional on the one hand. And yet, when we require extensive travel of people who have families, it doesn't seem right to insist that they can't have them along for any down time. What I would prefer not happen is a debate on whether this is because she's a woman. There are many women who juggle jobs that require travel and family and don't choose to bring their kids along. I think this is a question of family style more than gender. What do you think? Should
parents be allowed to bring their kids on business trips? Is it different if those parents are in government? Should government be a leader in accommodating families in this way?
