Culture & Entertainment
A happy belated Canada Day

Culture & Entertainment
A happy belated Canada Day
I hope you all enjoyed you mid-week holiday. It was nice to get a day off. It's sort of confusing to have a break in the middle of the week – I have thought it was Monday many times today. I admit, I wish it was a long weekend. We'll all be counting down the days to the August long weekend!
I celebrated Canada Day at my dad's with a barbecue and some tasty rosé (what?!? It's red!). We could see the fireworks from his balcony.
How did you spend Canada Day? Did you watch the fireworks? Have a party featuring local fare? Or, did you just relax all day? Did you follow a yearly tradition?
What to know just how Canadian you are? Take our Canadian trivia quiz and let us know how you do!
Don't forget to enter my current contest. I'll be announcing the winner next Friday.