Culture & Entertainment
5 green things to do this weekend

Culture & Entertainment
5 green things to do this weekend
If you find yourself wondering what to do this weekend, why don't you try one of these eco-friendly activities below?
1. Visit a farmer's market. Support your local farmers by buying your meat and produce from stalls at a farmer's market. Buy something new and unusual and learn how to make a new dish.
2. Go for a bike ride. This weekend, hang up the car keys and hop on your bike. Cycling is a great way to explore your city, and get some exercise at the same time.
3. Have a picnic in your local park. Bring your kids, partner or friends to the park for a picnic and enjoy a few hours with Mother Nature. Or just bring a book and enjoy some time with yourself!
4. Make something. You're on a quest to become more self-sustainable, right? So stick it to the man and make something you'd typically buy at the grocery store. Try your own ketchup or barbecue sauce and show it off at your next family dinner. Or, take advantage of the season's beautiful bounty and get canning and jamming
5. Turn off the AC. Get out of your house and turn the air conditioner off before you leave. There are plenty of activities you can do that will keep you cool on a hot summer's day. Go for ice cream, take the family to a local pool or head to your town's art gallery or museum to check out the latest exhibit.
What green activities do you love to do on the weekends?