I was a Santa's elf for two years in my teens. As Santa's little helper, my job was to prepare kids for their visit and photo with the man in red. While some kids were excited to share their wish list with Saint Nick, others were terrified. Tears and
tantrums ensued and the poor parents who had dressed their children in their holiday finest were reduced to begging their kids to just
sit on Santa's lap and smile. That is how I learned the keys (beyond the need for a nap and a snack) to a happy photo op with Santa.
1. Try a dry run. This is best for kids who aren't quite sure how they feel about Santa. Allow them take in the scene from a distance before committing to a visit. I did this for my own daughter who, one year, shouted her wish list to Santa from five feet away because she didn't want to sit on his knee. The next week she was happy to whisper her list in his ear.
2. Dress them for comfort. A warm Christmas sweater or a very fancy dress will likely be uncomfortable and it will show in the photos. Sometimes simple is best.
3. Let them have their lovey or blanket. It may not be your idea of the perfect accessory for your child's Santa photo, but they will likely only need it the one time.
4. Bring a little gift for Santa. Santa will make a big deal of being presented with a token such as a candy cane or
handmade craft. This can help make your child feel more at ease for the photo.
5. Stand near the photographer. Many parents hover near their kids. Whether you stand behind the photographer or you crouch in front, this ensures your child's focus is at the camera. Even with all the prep, some kids may just not be in the mood for a photo with Santa. When that happened I would always smile at the child and say, "Santa is glad you came to see him." More often than not we would see that child in line again the next week. Photo: istockphoto/lewkmiller