Community & Current Events
Living Me to We

Community & Current Events
Living Me to We
We're holding a yearlong party to celebrate Canadian Living's 30th anniversary and, as part of the festivities, we launched the Canadian Living Me to We Awards. It's a special initiative to honour those whose compassion and commitment help make our world a better place. Nominations are now closed but stay tuned for more on the awards.
Craig and Marc Kielberger's philosophy
Inspiration for this awards program comes from the innovative book Me to We: Turning Self-Help on Its Head, written by Craig and Marc Kielburger, the two young men who founded Free the Children. The Kielburgers challenge the current self-help culture, suggesting that the secrets to happiness lie in selflessly helping others. To turn self-help on its head, focus on we rather than me. For more on this refreshingly motivating concept, click here to read an excerpt from the book and get acquainted with the Me to We philosophy.
This too, is reality
Read about a Survivor contestant who responded to his personal call of compassion by reaching out to others. Find out how he found a sense of purpose and a place of belonging in South America.
Tsunami disaster relief efforts
Canadian Living's Family Life and Community editor, Kathryn Dorrell, writes about her inspirational mother-daughter fundraising activity to support Free the Children and Unicef Canada's tsunami disaster relief efforts. Read Dorrell's story here. PLUS, Canadian kids are making a difference! Find out how the next generation is catching on to the rewards of social responsibility as readers share accounts of their children's efforts to help tsunami survivors.
Honorable mentions
In praise of a good deed, we asked readers to share stories of every day acts of kindness they have experienced. We want to acknowledge those dear people whose kind and selfless gestures simply make this world a nicer place to be. Click here to read the heartwarming stories or to submit one of your own.
Canadian Living salutes
Get inspired each month reading our profiles of outstanding Canadians who are making a difference in the lives of others. Below are a few examples of the good that is happening in our world today. (Keep checking in for monthly updates.)
CL salutes: Wendy Walters
Helping her kids, Charlotte and Hayley, help street kids
CL salutes: Janina Fialkowska
Tuning in thousands of kids to classical music.
CL salutes: Kelly Shires
She led the pack in helping women with breast cancer.
CL salutes: Art Roth
Giving kids in Windsor, Ont., a start on ice.
CL salutes: Kathy Knowles
Opening books -- and doors -- for children in Ghana
CL salutes: James Kennedy
Stirring up a future for homeless teens
CL salutes: Denise and Ken Taylor
They're turning travellers into medical missionaries.