Community & Current Events
5 great ways to help put an end to the global water crisis

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Community & Current Events
5 great ways to help put an end to the global water crisis
World Water Day is March 22nd and there are so many great campaigns and events to get behind.
From the comfort of your own community, or even home, you can help those trying to make a change in the global water crisis affecting developing countries. Every year companies get closer to their goal but we can always do more.
Find out what's going on and what you can do to support these amazing efforts.
1. Stella Artois
Stella Artois
Stella Artois wants you to Buy a Lady a Drink. Five years of clean drinking water, that is. In collaboration with, co-founded by CEO Gary White and Matt Damon (yes, you read that right, Matt Damon), Stella Artois launched the Buy a Lady a Drink campaign to support and bring awareness to the communities across the world that are in a global water crisis. Their goal? Providing 3.5 million people with long-term and sustainable access to clean water by 2020.
Helping Stella Artois reach their goal isn’t hard at all, either. Canadians can support this campaign by buying one of three limited edition Stella Artois chalices. If owning one of those gorgeous glasses isn’t incentive enough, they’re decorated with beautiful drawings done by artists Lisa Mam from Cambodia, Fernando Chamerelli from Brazil and Eria Nsubuga from Uganda.
Now the question isn’t if you should get one to support the campaign, it’s where you can go to get these glasses. If you’re in Ontario, stop by your LCBO stores or head to their website to order one online.
2. Brita
Brita x Me To We
Brita is celebrating World Water Day with their limited edition Me to We statement water bottle. It is a specially designed Brita Canada reusable filtering bottle that motivates Canadians and helps provide a year supply of water to someone in Irkaat, Kenya. This proves that you can make a difference and help just by going to a nearby grocery store and buying a water bottle!
Did you know that just one Brita bottle filter could replace up to 300 plastic water bottles? This helps Canadians make a difference and support communities without the same access to clean water as we have, plus, it helps our environment.
Follow Brita’s efforts and track the change you’re making through where you can enter the unique code from your bottle and see exactly where and how your purchase has made a positive impact!
3. Hydrated World
Hydrated World helps communities in rural Africa and they look good doing it! The company is a social enterprise selling sweatshirts, t-shirts and hats where the profits are invested in the development of teams to go to Koboko, Uganda and teach sales and marketing to community leaders trying to get safe water for their communities.
Not only are the clothes comfortable and stylish, but also you can help do something good for foreign communities just by buying some apparel! An added plus: North American manufacturers make all their clothes.
Check out their shop and see what else Hydrated World is doing.
4. Aveda
Come April, Aveda Canada will have been supporting WaterAid Canada for 11 years and have raised over $38 million globally. Of course, the work isn’t over as Aveda Canada has made their 2017 goal $595,000! They’re also making it super easy to get involved and help them achieve this goal, just by getting pampered. Who knew you could be making a positive impact by heading to a local salon and using their services?
Appointments for Clean Water is an event all over Canada where you can book an appointment at a participating salon and in exchange for a donation towards their efforts, you will receive the service of your choosing.
Find a salon hosting the event near you.
5. Events for Canada Water Week
Why stick to one thing when there’s a whole week of events for you, your family and friends to participate in? Canada Water Week is March 20th – March 27th this year and is a celebration of water from the east to west coast, keeping in mind that there's communities that can't access clean water and always thinking of how to help, provide and save.
Film screenings, workshops and family-days-out are just some of the events happening all over the country. Find an event for the whole family near you.