Community & Current Events
Celebrate 40 years of Canadian Living magazine

Community & Current Events
Celebrate 40 years of Canadian Living magazine
My mom liked to remind me: "It isn't a popularity contest!" But I think even she would agree
Canadian Living deserves the right to a humble brag given that (a) this is our 40th anniversary year and (b) we are the nation's most popular magazine, reaching more than 4.5 million readers in print and online each month.
We happen to think the best way to celebrate is by throwing a yearlong party--and you're invited! The venue? Right here! Keep coming back to this space for special content from Canadian Living's 41st year of delicious recipes, health advice, decor ideas and style solutions. Plus, we want to hear about what Canadian Living means to you. Nominate your community and tell us what makes the place where you live special, and add your thoughts on how to make our country even stronger by checking out Do Good, Feel Better (coming soon).
So put on a party hat--or don't. You get to set the house rules at this celebration. Almost every day, you'll find more to discover as we share new stories and add to your favourite departments. Mine is the wisdom of our timeless tips; it's like a daily calendar of awesome from our archives. What's yours?
Happy 40th anniversary to you--yes, you, too! Because you are what Canadian Living is all about.
We happen to think the best way to celebrate is by throwing a yearlong party--and you're invited! The venue? Right here! Keep coming back to this space for special content from Canadian Living's 41st year of delicious recipes, health advice, decor ideas and style solutions. Plus, we want to hear about what Canadian Living means to you. Nominate your community and tell us what makes the place where you live special, and add your thoughts on how to make our country even stronger by checking out Do Good, Feel Better (coming soon).
So put on a party hat--or don't. You get to set the house rules at this celebration. Almost every day, you'll find more to discover as we share new stories and add to your favourite departments. Mine is the wisdom of our timeless tips; it's like a daily calendar of awesome from our archives. What's yours?
Happy 40th anniversary to you--yes, you, too! Because you are what Canadian Living is all about.
