Knitting & Crochet
Knit a child's cable pullover
![Knit a child's cable pullover](/assets/img/blank.gif?v=1739341956#
Knitting & Crochet
Knit a child's cable pullover
Children's sweater is worked in Cable Pattern throughout. Instructions are written for size 3. Any changes for sizes 6, 9 and 12 are written in brackets. If there is only one figure, it applies to all sizes. Except as otherwise noted, standard abbreviations are used. Recommended for experienced knitters.
Click here to view sizing chart.
You need:
• 4(5,5,6) skeins Briggs & Little Regal (100 g) 2-ply pure wool yarn in desired colour
• Pair of 4.5 mm needles OR whichever needles you require to produce the tension given below
• Cable needle
• Stitch holders
• Tapestry needle
20 sts and 26 rows = 10 cm (4 ins) in St st. Work to exact tension with specified yarn to obtain satisfactory results. TO SAVE TIME, TAKE TIME TO CHECK TENSION.
Special Abbreviations:
C4F = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, k2, then k2 from cn.
C4B = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at back of work, k2, then k2 from cn.
T3F = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, p1, then k2 from cn.
T3B = Sl next st onto cn and leave at back of work, k2, then p1 from cn.
T4F = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at front of work, p2, then k2 from cn.
T4B = Sl next 2 sts onto cn and leave at back of work, k2, then p2 from cn.
SlWrapK = Yfwd, sl next st onto right-hand needle, yb, return sl st to left-hand needle (as shown in Knit Wrap Diagram).
SlWrapP = Ybk, sl next st onto right-hand needle, yf, return sl st to left-hand needle (as shown in Purl Wrap Diagram).
KWraptog = Insert needle knitwise through wrapped yarn, then knitwise through wrapped st, and ktog.
PWraptog = Insert needle knitwise through wrapped yarn and sl onto left-hand needle, then insert needle purlwise through sl st and wrapped st, and ptog.
Cable pattern:
Click here to view close-ups of the sweater and cable pattern.
Row 1: (right side): P2, k4, [p4, k4] to last 2 sts, p2.
Row 2: K2, p4, [k4, p4] to last 2 sts, k2.
Row 3: P2, C4F, p4, C4B, [p4, C4F, p4, C4B] to last 2 sts, p2.
Row 4: As given for Row 2.
Rows 5 to 8: As given for rows 1 to 4.
Row 9: P1, T3B, T4F, T4B, T3F, [p2, T3B, T4F, T4B, T3F] to last st, p1.
Row 10: K1, p2, k3, p4, k3, p2, [k2, p2, k3, p4, k3, p2] to last st, k1.
Row 11: P1, k2, p3, C4B, p3, k2 [p2, k2, p3, C4B, p3, k2] to last st, p1.
Row 12: As given for Row 10.
Row 13: P1, T3F, T4B, T4F, T3B [p2, T3F, T4B, T4F, T3B] to last st, p1.
Row 14: As given for Row 2.
Row 15: P2, C4B, p4, C4F, [p4, C4B, p4, C4F] to last 2 sts, p2.
Row 16: As given for Row 2.
Row 17: As given for Row 1.
Rows 18 to 24: As given for rows 14 to 17, then rep rows 14, 15 and 16 once more.
Row 25: P1, T3B, T3F, p2, T3B, [T4F, T4B, T3F, p2, T3B] to last 4 sts, T3F, p1.
Row 26: K1, p2, [k2, p2] twice, [k3, p4, k3, p2, k2, p2] to last 5 sts, k2, p2, k1.
Row 27: P1, k2, [p2, k2] twice, [p3, C4F, p3, k2, p2, k2] to last 5 sts, p2, k2, p1.
Row 28: As given for Row 26.
Row 29: P1, T3F, T3B, p2, T3F, [T4B, T4F, T3B, p2, T3F], to last 4 sts, T3B, p1.
Rows 30 to 32: As given for rows 2 to 4.
These 32 rows form Cable Pat.
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To Make:
Cast on 96(112,128,144)sts. Work Cable Pat until work from beg measures 39.5(43,54.5,57) cm/15-1/2(17,21-1/2,22-1/2) ins, ending with right side facing for next row.
To shape shoulders:
Next: Cast off 8(11,14,16)sts at beg of next 4 rows. 64(68,72,80)sts now on needle.
Next: Cast off 9(11,13,17)sts at beg of foll 2 rows. 46 sts now on needle. Cast off.
Cast on 96(112,128,144)sts. Work Cable Pat until work from beg measures 34.5(36,47.5,50) cm/13-1/2(14-1/4,18-3/4,19-3/4) ins, ending with right side facing for next row.
To shape left neck:
Work Cable Pat across 40(48,56,64)sts, turn (neck edge), leave rem 56(64,72,80)sts on spare needle.
Next: Keeping continuity of pat, dec 1 st at neck edge on next, then foll 14 rows. 25(33,41,49)sts now on needle.
Next: Work even in Cable Pat until work from beg measures 39.5(43,47.5,51) cm/15-1/2(17,18-3/4,20) ins, ending with right side facing for next row.
To shape left shoulder:
Keeping continuity of pat, cast off 8(11,14,16)sts at beg of next and foll alt row. 9(11,13,17)sts now on needle. Work 1 row even. Cast off.
To shape right shoulder:
With right side facing, sl first 16 sts from spare needle onto st holder. 40(48,56,64)sts now on needle.
Next: Keeping continuity of pat, work Cable Pat, dec 1 st at neck edge on next 15 rows. 25(33,41,49)sts now on needle.
Next: Work even in Cable Pat until work from beg measures 39.5(43,47.5,51) cm/15-1/2(17,18-3/4,20) ins, ending with wrong side facing for next row.
To shape right shoulder:
Keeping continuity of pat, cast off 8(11,14,16)sts at beg of next and foll alt row. 9(11,13,17)sts now on needle. Work 1 row even. Cast off.
Cast on 48(48,64,64)sts.
Next: Keeping continuity of pat, work Cable Pat, inc 1 st at each end of needle on 3rd, then foll 18(22,12,14) alt rows. 86(94,90,94)sts now on needle.
Next: Keeping continuity of pat, work Cable Pat, inc 1 st at each end of needle on every foll 4th row 6(7,14,16) times. 98(108,118,126)sts now on needle.
Next: Work even in Cable Pat until work from beg measures 26.5(30.5,34.5,38) cm/10-1/2(12,13-1/2,15) ins, ending with right side facing for next row. Cast off.
Cast on 122(126,134,134)sts.
Row 1 (right side): [K2, p2] to end of row.
Proceed, working short rows, as follows:
Row 2: [P2, k2] to last 2 sts, SlWrapK or SlWrapP as appropriate, turn, leaving last st unworked.
Row 3: [K2, p2] to last 2 sts, SlWrapK or SlWrapP as appropriate, turn, leaving last st unworked.
Next: Keeping continuity of rib, work [k2, p2] rib, completing last st before each wrapped st, then working SlWrapK or SlWrapP as appropriate, and leaving 1 additional st unworked at end of each row, for 62,(62,70,70) rows, thus ending with wrong side facing for next row, turn.
Next 2 rows: Keeping continuity of rib, work across all sts on needle, working KWraptog or PWraptog as appropriate.
Cast off in rib.
To finish:
Sew shoulder seams. Place markers 18(19.5,21.5,23) cm/7(7-3/4,8-1/2,9) ins from shoulder seam on each side edge. Sew sleeves between markers. Sew side and sleeve seams. Overlapping left-hand side edge over right-hand side edge 7.5 cm (3 ins) at centre front (reverse for girl's sweater), sew cast-on edge of collar around neck. Pin to measurements; block. Do not press.
Want adult-size instructions for this sweater? Look for the project called Out of the Woods in Joanne Yordanou's upcoming book 12 Months of Knitting from Potter Craft, to be released in fall 2007.
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