DIY & Crafts
What's Your Knitting Personality?

DIY & Crafts
What's Your Knitting Personality?
Hi friends, It's been about a week since
I broke up with my striped sweater. In that time, I wound that beautiful ball of
Viola DK; I'm now about halfway through the
Forest Canopy Cowl. (This pesky cold really got in the way of my weekend knitting.) In the meantime, I've been thinking a lot about my
knitting personality. I often hear people identify themselves by what they like to knit all the time. Some people identify themselves by the garments they like to knit "I'm a sock knitter," one person will say, while another swears she only ever knits baby sweaters. Others align themselves by technique (lace, cables, stranded colourwork), and still others by tradition (Estonian or Shetland lace, Scottish or Scandinavian colourwork). In the past, I'd have called myself a pretty indiscriminate knitter. I like to make just about anything that takes my fancy: socks, sweaters or dish cloths, lace or garter stitch, cables or colourwork. Give me enough time, and I'll get there eventually. But the more I think about it, the more I think that's not quite true. Here's a selection of my knitted projects from the last couple of years:
There are sweaters big and small, mittens, hats, socks and booties, even a shawl. But what really strikes me here is the colour! Between colourwork and variegated yarn, these projects are vibrant. (Interestingly, I only ever finished ONE of the brown socks.) The other thing that strikes me is the variety of techniques. In each of the projects above, I was learning a new technique or trying a new-to-me pattern. Apparently novelty is important –which might explain the difficulty I have with second socks and sleeves. And the fact that most of these are small projects (those booties fit in the palm of my hand) is interesting, too. So I like colour, novelty and small projects – no surprise that the green cowl is making me so happy right now. But I still want to make a sweater. The question is, which one? These are the current candidates:

- Folded, by Veera at 110% rain.
- Castlegar Cardigan by Laura Chau.
- Moch Cardi by Gudrun Johnston.