DIY & Crafts
The Problem With Trying to Knit a Sweater in 4 Weeks

DIY & Crafts
The Problem With Trying to Knit a Sweater in 4 Weeks that knitting a sweater is basically all I do, ever (when I'm not working, that is. Hi boss!). It's about all I think about these days, and my life is getting a little strange as a result. Case in point: last night I stayed up late so that I could knit the first row of armhole shaping on the sweater back before I went to bed. Wild times at my house, etc.
But there you have it: I'm inching along on the sweater and the fall is edging ever closer and I will have this sweater finished in time to wear on my vacation, so help me. Thank goodness I booked an airport shuttle for my trip to camp – hello, two more hours of knitting time! In a fit of rebellion, I did take 45 minutes to sew a new tote bag for myself last week. That's the glory of the fabric stash – if you're seized by the urge to sew, and
sew right now, you can. I made a simple reversible tote – so easy you barely need directions. Many moons ago I found
this tote bag tutorial and it's been my go-to ever since. You need a back-to-school tote, don't you? I thought so. I am also daydreaming about other non-knitty craft projects and adventures that I might take on post-sweater. In no particular order: • I like this
nifty tech organizer for days on the road. •
Cloud-shaped ice-cream sandwiches! • I want to go to
Pie Ranch. • Another sweater, of course.
Sullivan makes me happy. That's all from me for now. I'm looking forward to getting back into the regular blogging schedule next week (and to having something other than a brown sweater to show you!) as we gear up for the big sewing machine giveaway and contest, and get some of our other exciting fall plans underway. There are good things to come! Have a great day.
