DIY & Crafts

Reader Success Story: Monarch Butterflies

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Reader Success Story: Monarch Butterflies

Hi friends, Today I have a couple of pictures that were sent to me by Grace, a Canadian Living reader from Malagash, NS.  Grace couldn't find the exact materials that were called for in our August craft story, " Good Migrations," but with a couple substitutions (plastic report covers instead of orange acetate sheets; t-shirt paint instead of the Pebeo Arti'stick), she got excellent results! canadian-living-project-10-010 Doesn't it look great? Grace also sent me a photo of this " Red Admiral" butterfly that she found in her backyard. Apparently it was so big and aggressive that it was attacking small birds! the-red-admiral-a-fighter It wouldn't be too hard to alter the pattern on the plastic butterfly to create a (calmer, friendlier) Red Admiral of your own. Come to think of it, you could make a bevy of butterflies in different colours – here's some inspiration. Thanks, Grace!


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DIY & Crafts

Reader Success Story: Monarch Butterflies
