DIY & Crafts
Put your stamp on a stamp

DIY & Crafts
Put your stamp on a stamp
Hey kids, have you ever wondered what it would be like to see your face on a postage stamp instead of the Queen's? Here's how to make your own personal stamp and show it off in a special picture frame.
• Photo
• Wooden frame slightly larger than size of photo
• Used stamps
• Podgy and sponge brush
• Heavy white paper and construction paper
• Sticky colored paper
• Hole punch
1. Cut a rectangle of white paper approx 1 cm (3/8 in) larger on all sides than the photo. Punch out half circles along all edges of rectangle. Centre and glue photo to rectangle.
2. From sticky paper cut out letters for CANADA and the number 48. Stick them to the photo.
3. Remove glass and back of frame.
4. Select colorful stamps and decide approximately where they will go on the frame. Brush podgy on frame and apply stamps. Apply 2 more coats of podgy, allowing to dry between coats.
5. Glue photo stamp to construction paper background and cut to inside size of frame. Reassemble frame.
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