DIY & Crafts

Hey, I Could Make That!

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Hey, I Could Make That!

Two things you should know about me: one, I am terribly cheap; and two, I like to make things up as I go along. Which is why I’ll be out shopping, see something really neat, and think, Hey! I could make that! Quite often I don’t follow through on those thoughts, but sometimes the item in question is so simple that it seems silly not to try to replicate it at home. Case in point: pacifier clips. These are made of a colourful strip of fabric or ribbon, or string of beads, with snaps or Velcro on one end to attach to a pacifier, and a clip on the other to attach to a baby. I received a cute polka-dotted one as a shower present. img_0521 A pacifier clip costs about $10, but if I made one with supplies I already have, then it would be free, right? I gathered up a few lengths of ribbon and Velcro from my stash, including an adorable puppy-printed one that I was saving for just the right project. I cut the pieces using my original one as a guide, adding a bit of extra length for folding in the ends. I then cut some tiny squares of Velcro (small enough to fit on the ribbon without hanging over the edges). I sewed the Velcro to either end of the ribbons, again following my original for placement. img_0529 Voila! I’ve now got enough clips to attach pretty much anything to my baby. If you don't have a baby handy, you could also use these to secure other important items (such as attaching your keys to your purse). Have a fantastic week, and keep an eye out for things you could make!


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DIY & Crafts

Hey, I Could Make That!
