DIY & Crafts
How to make cascarones

DIY & Crafts
How to make cascarones
Put a twist on the traditional easter egg hunt with these confetti-filled eggs -- a Mexican tradition with fun built right in. It's considered good luck to have one of them broken over your head
Here's how to make your own cascarones:
1. Crack around the bottom of each egg. carefully remove and discard the shell "cap."
2. Pour the egg yolk and white into a bowl. (save them for breakfast!) rinse egg shell with water.
3. Dye egg shell to desired colour; let dry.
4. Fill shell halfway with confetti or glitter (or even small cereal).
5. Glue tissue paper circle over bottom to seal egg.
We've got lots more Easter inspiration, so check it out!
This story was originally titled "Get Cracking" in the April 2013 issue. Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue! |