DIY & Crafts
Are you having a handmade Christmas this year?

DIY & Crafts
Are you having a handmade Christmas this year?
Hi friends,
I spent a bit of time thinking about Christmas this weekend (I can't help it: blame the cool weather, or the time change, or maybe the Christmas music at the drugstore) and made a major resolution:
This year, I'm buying gifts.
I know, I know, that's hardly earth-shattering. In fact, it's what most people do every year. But I've been giving homemade gifts for almost a decade now. This is a big deal for me.
Thing is, I miss shopping. I miss the hustle-bustle, the thrill of the hunt for the perfect present (and, really, for the too-good-to-be-true discount). I even miss (just a little) that Christmas music.
What I won't miss? The lineups at the fabric store. The late nights of knitting. The frantic realization that what I've made is the wrong size, shape, colour or...well, just wrong.
So this year, I'm taking a break from handmade gifts. What about you? (And if you are making your gifts, what are you making?)