DIY & Crafts
Eye-catching Valentine's Day crafts to start now

DIY & Crafts
Eye-catching Valentine's Day crafts to start now
I go back and forth on Valentine's Day. Sometimes it gets me down, but other times I'm just happy to have an excuse to inject a bit of colour and fun into the dreariest part of the year. [caption id="attachment_7575" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Photography, Ryan Brook"]
[/caption] It's been grey and soggy here all week, so to cheer myself up I've been eating Hershey's kisses and checking out Valentine's Day crafts.

- Valentine's Friendship Bracelets from The Purl Bee. The hearts and arrows are cute, though I don't know if I'd be able to resist playing Cupid...
- Freja Mittens from Knitty. Red and white and (g)loved all over.
- Heart-shaped candy boxes from our February issue. They were created by Jeromina Juan – remember her peek-a-boo heart vases from last year?
- Love socks! I love the intarsia hearts on the a secret message.
- This sweater, with its stripes and shawl collar, would be perfect for Saturday brunch, don't you think?
- These business cards, filled with confetti, made me laugh. I'd love to have something similar...but filled with googly eyes!
- Twitter. I've succumbed. If you want to read random crafty tweets (and the occasional bit of silliness), you can follow me @AustenGilliland.