DIY & Crafts
Crafty Weekend Plans, Links, and the Friday Roundup

DIY & Crafts
Crafty Weekend Plans, Links, and the Friday Roundup
Hi friends, Thank goodness the weekend's finally here. As always, I've got big plans; as always, I'll be lucky to get a quarter of the list crossed off. Then again, considering that the forecast currently looks like this....
...I'm thinking I'll have a good excuse (or four) to stay inside and make things! Top of my list? This half-circle shawl (a hybrid of the
Citron and
Simple Things):
And sewing my quilting bee blocks into a quilt top (finally):
Here are a few fun things from around the internet that I might revisit when I'm looking for a distraction:

- The finalists from the Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest. So much fun! (Yes, you have to watch an ad first. Yes, it's totally worth the wait.)
- Alicia Paulson's putting out a crewelwork alphabet sampler. Yay!
- The Improvised Life – Crafty in a very broad sense of the word. I'm looking forward to delving into the archives.
- A home letterpress tool. Could I justify buying it if I promised to help my friend make her wedding invites? Yes, yes I could.
- This travel watercolour kit and a copy of Water, Paper, Paint would be a perfect way to greet spring, I think.
- Weekly Giveaway: Enter to win one of two copies of To Baby With Love.
- Starting to Sew With Knits – Turns out it's not as difficult as I thought!
- Hey, I Could Make That! – Lisa makes her blog debut with a simple pacifier clip how-to.
- Thursday Thanks and Links – Thanks to you, Tina's got tons of ideas for her yarn stash; she shares her faves.