DIY & Crafts
Craft room cleanout commences

DIY & Crafts
Craft room cleanout commences
I swear my craft supplies have a secret breeding program. They're a lot like laundry – you turn your back for a second and there's suddenly twice as much as there was before.
Of course, there's really no one to blame but me. I'm the one who bought all that irresistible yarn, those pretty fat quarters and every kind of pin imaginable. I can blame a little bit on loved ones who spoil me during the holidays (hello, dear parents!), but I think this is the part where someone tells me that I have to lie in the bed I've made.
I almost admire the minimalists I know, but I confess I don't share their passion for empty closets and tiny, tidy stacks of books (arranged by – heaven preserve us – colour). There's a certain discipline to it, but I can't function that way. I need to be armed to the gills with supplies so that I can take advantage of the creative spirit when it moves me – and that is always, always 10 seconds after
Michael's has just closed for a long weekend.
But being armed to the gills means sometimes discovering – to your horror – that your craft room/nook/corner looks a little like the before shots from an episode of
Hoarders. In my case, that revelation sends me scurrying to the nearest big-box store to buy plastic bins, labels and Sharpies. I may need a lot of stuff, but I do like being able to find it without getting buried under falling debris.
So I'm taking a little inspiration from the Internet while I start the process of cleaning up. Here are some ideas for sprucing up a craft space that I hope will inspire me – and you!

- HGTV's Organized Craft Room slide show
- TLC's How to Organize a Craft Room article
- Martha Stewart's Crafts Room tour
- Country Living's Craft Room Ideas slide show
- Apartment Therapy's Über Organized Craft Room with a Touch of Tech slide show
- Curbly's Eye Candy: 12 Brilliant Craft Room Organization & Storage Ideas article