DIY & Crafts
Christmas craft idea: Personalized gingerbread ornaments

DIY & Crafts
Christmas craft idea: Personalized gingerbread ornaments
Gingerbread ornaments are a classic Christmas tree adornment – and with these, you don't have to worry about hungry dogs (or kids) taking a bite out of your decorating scheme. Consider stitching one up for every member of your family – they'd make lovely personalized gift toppers or
stocking stuffers.
You need:
• Gingerbread template
• Cardboard scraps
• Brown felt
• Rickrack (white and green)
• Thread (white, brown, green and red)
• Seed beads (red, white, blue and black)
• Sequins (red, white, blue and black)
• Red embroidery floss
• Heavy gold thread, embroidery floss or cord, for hanging loop
• Polyester stuffing
• Scrap red tulle
• Pencil and scissors
• Straight pins
• Sewing needles (sewing, embroidery and beading)
Take a closer look at a larger image of the finished gingerbread ornaments.
To make:
1. With pencil, trace gingerbread shape onto cardboard to create sturdy template.
2. Trace template onto felt; cut out. Repeat to make two fronts and two backs.
3. On front, for "icing" trim, pin white rickrack around edge. Stitch in place with white thread, tucking in and finishing ends neatly in an inconspicuous place.
4. On front, using pencil, lightly mark the positions of eyes, buttons and decorations at ends of limbs. For example, we used blue beads sitting on blue sequins for the girl's eyes (see larger photo, above). Place beads and sequins where desired, then stitch eyes, buttons and body decorations onto felt using matching thread.
5. For mouth, mark mouth line on felt lightly with pencil. Stitch over line with red embroidery floss, making large or looping stitches. Finish mouth with red bead atop a red sequin at each end of mouth (see photo).
6. For hanging loop, make loop with heavy gold thread. Stitch base of loop securely to the inside of back, at the top of the head.
7. Pin front and back felt pieces together, wrong sides facing. Using brown thread, stitch front and back together using overhand or blanket stitch. Begin stitching on the top side of right arm and stitch clockwise around head, left arm and legs, then stop stitching, leaving side below arm open.
8. Using small amounts of stuffing at a time, insert stuffing through opening, pushing in with end of pencil if needed.
9. Stitch opening closed.
To make a skirt:
• Fold length of red tulle (approx 10 x 30 cm/4 x 12 inches long), several layers thick, to make desired skirt length. Baste with red thread across top of tulle to create waistband; pull on stitching to gather into full skirt. Pin in place; stitch skirt to body.
• For sash, wrap green rickrack around body, leaving extra to make tails of sash and cutting ends on diagonal. Pin in place. Secure by stitching in place with green thread. To make a bow, fold over small pieces and stitch in place on top of sash closing.
To make a tie:
• At about 4 cm (1-1/2 inches) from end of green rickrack, tie a small square knot. Wrap other end of rickrack around neck, leaving extra to make a tail. Cut on diagonal. Position this end of rickrack beneath knot, letting tails fly free out to side. Pin and secure by stitching in place with green thread.
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You need:
• Gingerbread template
• Cardboard scraps
• Brown felt
• Rickrack (white and green)
• Thread (white, brown, green and red)
• Seed beads (red, white, blue and black)
• Sequins (red, white, blue and black)
• Red embroidery floss
• Heavy gold thread, embroidery floss or cord, for hanging loop
• Polyester stuffing
• Scrap red tulle
• Pencil and scissors
• Straight pins
• Sewing needles (sewing, embroidery and beading)
Take a closer look at a larger image of the finished gingerbread ornaments.
To make:
1. With pencil, trace gingerbread shape onto cardboard to create sturdy template.
2. Trace template onto felt; cut out. Repeat to make two fronts and two backs.
3. On front, for "icing" trim, pin white rickrack around edge. Stitch in place with white thread, tucking in and finishing ends neatly in an inconspicuous place.
4. On front, using pencil, lightly mark the positions of eyes, buttons and decorations at ends of limbs. For example, we used blue beads sitting on blue sequins for the girl's eyes (see larger photo, above). Place beads and sequins where desired, then stitch eyes, buttons and body decorations onto felt using matching thread.
5. For mouth, mark mouth line on felt lightly with pencil. Stitch over line with red embroidery floss, making large or looping stitches. Finish mouth with red bead atop a red sequin at each end of mouth (see photo).
6. For hanging loop, make loop with heavy gold thread. Stitch base of loop securely to the inside of back, at the top of the head.
7. Pin front and back felt pieces together, wrong sides facing. Using brown thread, stitch front and back together using overhand or blanket stitch. Begin stitching on the top side of right arm and stitch clockwise around head, left arm and legs, then stop stitching, leaving side below arm open.
8. Using small amounts of stuffing at a time, insert stuffing through opening, pushing in with end of pencil if needed.
9. Stitch opening closed.
To make a skirt:
• Fold length of red tulle (approx 10 x 30 cm/4 x 12 inches long), several layers thick, to make desired skirt length. Baste with red thread across top of tulle to create waistband; pull on stitching to gather into full skirt. Pin in place; stitch skirt to body.
• For sash, wrap green rickrack around body, leaving extra to make tails of sash and cutting ends on diagonal. Pin in place. Secure by stitching in place with green thread. To make a bow, fold over small pieces and stitch in place on top of sash closing.
To make a tie:
• At about 4 cm (1-1/2 inches) from end of green rickrack, tie a small square knot. Wrap other end of rickrack around neck, leaving extra to make a tail. Cut on diagonal. Position this end of rickrack beneath knot, letting tails fly free out to side. Pin and secure by stitching in place with green thread.
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This story was originally titled "Cute Enough to Eat" in the December 2011 issue. Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue! |