DIY & Crafts

Button Box

Button Box

Author: Canadian Living

DIY & Crafts

Button Box


  • Small heart-shaped papier-mâché box (available at craft supply stores)
  • Photograph
  • Twisted rayon cord in desired colour, 6 mm in diameter, to fit around box top
  • Assorted buttons
  • Small paintbrush, 1 inch wide
  • Gold metallic paint (optional) and red acrylic paint
  • Scrap of cardboard, ruler, pencil and scissors
  • Double-sided tape and white craft glue
  • Small sponge (optional)

1. Paint box red; let dry. If desired, lightly sponge-paint with gold; let dry.

2. Trace box top onto cardboard. Measure and mark a line 2.5 cm (1 inch) inside traced line; cut out along second line. Centre over image on photo and trace. Cut out photo along traced line, centre and tape onto box top.

3. Along bottom edge of box-top sides, glue cord, trimming ends to butt at tip of heart (dab cut ends with glue to prevent unravelling). Glue buttons around photo and down sides of box top as desired; let dry.


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DIY & Crafts

Button Box
