DIY & Crafts
Crafty things I've seen and liked

DIY & Crafts
Crafty things I've seen and liked
Hi friends, When I get close to the end of a big crafting project, my mind starts to wander from the task at hand to other (newer, shinier, and, in this case, not-as-brown) projects. I blocked the back and sleeves of my sweater over the weekend, and cast on for the front.
Pro tip: Blocking your knitting makes a world of difference. Want to, but don't want to invest in a $40 blocking board? Hit the art supply store for a piece of
foam core. The piece I use is 20 x 30 inches and cost just $3.50. Awesome!) While I put in all those pins, I was compiling a mental wish list of new things to make and do. Here are some of the items from that list:

- Confetti "ribbon" – I wish I'd seen this in time for my sister's birthday. Also, it'd give you the perfect excuse to go shopping for a new hole-punch.
- It's been a while since I've felt like quilting, but isn't this skinny stacked coin quilt appealing?
- Patchwork quilts pieced from photographs – the Purl Bee hits it out of the park again. Love!
- I love this flowery hat, don't you? Kate is a colourwork genius.
- Speaking of colourwork and knitting, I'm thinking that I need to tackle this vest from the lastest issue of Twist Collective. Argyle? Yes please!