Home & Garden
Made-in-Canada artisanal tea towels
Home & Garden
Made-in-Canada artisanal tea towels
So, I kind of have a serious soft sport for
artisanal tea towels. It's really not my fault, though. It just seems that every time the
One of a Kind Show rolls into town, I end up meeting an inspiring new designer who's got a totally unique approach to these kitchen staples. Take a look at these beauties, for instance:
Life's Soundtrack tea towels, $23 each, Kempton Jones. Photography by Brett Walther.
Designed by the lovely Michelle Matsui of Kempton Jones, these 100% cotton tea towels are printed with the soundwaves of very common noises. One depicts the decibels of "slurping coffee," while another is a visual representation of a "clacking typewriter." There's even a croaking bullfrog in the mix! Charmingly branded the "Life's Soundtrack" collection, the notion of converting audio patterns into visual patterns struck me as a truly novel approach to textile design, and it was a real pleasure for me to feature Michelle's work in our "Bright Canadian Ideas" feature in the April issue of Canadian Living—on newsstands now! Follow me on Twitter!