Home & Garden
Aromatic lavender coasters
![Aromatic lavender coasters](/assets/img/blank.gif?v=1739273273#https://m1.quebecormedia.com/emp/cl_prod/canadian_living-_-8162d205-3525-440d-8650-57a74aada401-_-zCoast154321322534801.jpg)
Home & Garden
Aromatic lavender coasters
These sweet little coasters are filled with a surprise -- lavender, which releases its fragrance each time you set your hot mug atop them. Make a set of four to safeguard your furniture, and you'll be helping your state of mind at the same time with the soothing aroma of lavender, known for its relaxing properties. Choose an antiqued fabric for this mood-lifting project.
You need: (for four coasters)
• Paper
• Compass
• Scissors
• Pins
• 1/4 yard (22.9 cm) of floral print fabric
• Sewing machine
• Thread
• Wooden spoon
• Iron and ironing board
• Lavender flowers
• Spoon
• 4 decorative buttons, each 1-inch (2.5 cm) in diameter
• Sewing needle
• Embroidery floss
See step-by-step instructions with images
To make:
1. Use the compass to make a paper pattern that is 5-1/4 inches (13.3 cm) in diameter; cut it out with the scissors. Then, pin the paper to the fabric and cut out the circles; to make four coasters, you'll need eight circles.
2. Place two of the circles with their right sides together. Then, sew them together using a 5/8-inch (1.6 cm) seam allowance. Leave a 2-inch (5.1 cm) gap in the seam so you have an opening to fill the coasters with lavender.
3. Trim the seams along the inside edges. Then snip along the inside edge close to the seam line, as shown, but avoid cutting the seam. Turn the coaster right side out and push out the edges with the end of a wooden spoon. Press flat.
4. Fill the coasters with lavender to a depth of approximately 1/4-inch (6 mm), and distribute the lavender evenly inside the coaster. (Lavender is available in bulk, with the flowers already removed from the stalks. This form of lavender is ideal to use in this project.) Hand stitch the opening closed.
5. Sew the button onto the center of the coaster using the embroidery floss; choose a color of floss and button that complements your fabric. Tie a decorative knot on top and trim the ends. Repeat steps 2 though 5 to make the other three coasters.
Experiment with sachet or fine potpourri to fill these coasters, too; a translucent fabric would provide an elegant touch.
Excerpted from Encyclopedia of Projects for Weekend Crafters. Copyright 2003 by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. Excerpted with permission by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
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