Prevention & Recovery
The ABCs of breast cancer

Prevention & Recovery
The ABCs of breast cancer
It is now estmated 1 in every 11 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. For these women—along with their family members and friends—the journey to recovery can be scary and confusing. So we've gathered up the best articles and advice we could find to help you learn more about breast cancer – from prevention, to diagnosis to the latest in treatment news.
The positive news is early screening and improvements in cancer treatments have bumped the survival rate of Canadian women to 87 per cent. Read on to learn how you can lower your risk.
What is the breast cancer gene?
The breast cancer gene
Read how recent medical research about the breast cancer gene offers new answers about prevention and management of breast cancer.
Breast self-exam guide
The best way to examine your breasts and what to look for.
12 ways to prevent breast cancer
You can significantly reduce your risk.
Foods that fight cancer
How you can help prevent and fight cancer with healthy food choices.
Photo gallery: The 5 best antioxidant-rich foods
Which foods have the most antioxidants? Find out with this guide to the 5 best antioxidant-rich foods.
Vitamin D helps prevent breast cancer
The sunshine drug showed well in a recent Canadian study.
Page 1 of 2 – On page 2, find inspiring stories of breast cancer survivors, and must-read articles.It is now estmated 1 in every 11 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. For these women—along with their family members and friends—the journey to recovery can be scary and confusing. So we've gathered up the best articles and advice we could find to help you learn more about breast cancer – from prevention, to diagnosis to the latest in treatment news.
The positive news is early screening and improvements in cancer treatments have bumped the survival rate of Canadian women to 87 per cent. Read on to learn how you can lower your risk.
How to help a friend with cancer
A cancer patient shares how she would like to be treated and supported by friends and family as she faces her illness.
Are you getting the right breast cancer diagnosis?
How to know you're getting an accurate diagnosis, PLUS, what common prescription can lessen the effectiveness of the breast cancer drug Tamoxifen.
How to handle a breast cancer diagnosis
Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can cause confusing feelings. Here's some advice to help get you through this challenging time.
Breast cancer: How much should I tell my children or grandchildren?
Learn how to inform and comfort your kids when you're battling cancer.
Cancer: The many-headed beast
Some women have a higher risk of developing certain kinds of cancers than others. Prevention strategies and treatment options are as varied as the individuals in question.
Yoga for breast cancer
Research shows that a regular gentle practice can improve survivors' quality of life.
Inspirational stories:
Maureen Holloway's breast cancer story
Broadcaster Maureen Holloway had a singular response to her breast cancer diagnosis: live, laugh and learn.
When your mother has breast cancer: Kalan Porter’s story
Canadian Idol Kalan Porter's world changed overnight when his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Their courageous voyage has been filled with love and learning for mom and son.
Page 2 of 2 – Learn more about the breast cancer gene on page 1.
The positive news is early screening and improvements in cancer treatments have bumped the survival rate of Canadian women to 87 per cent. Read on to learn how you can lower your risk.
What is the breast cancer gene?

Read how recent medical research about the breast cancer gene offers new answers about prevention and management of breast cancer.

The best way to examine your breasts and what to look for.

You can significantly reduce your risk.

How you can help prevent and fight cancer with healthy food choices.

Which foods have the most antioxidants? Find out with this guide to the 5 best antioxidant-rich foods.

The sunshine drug showed well in a recent Canadian study.
Page 1 of 2 – On page 2, find inspiring stories of breast cancer survivors, and must-read articles.It is now estmated 1 in every 11 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. For these women—along with their family members and friends—the journey to recovery can be scary and confusing. So we've gathered up the best articles and advice we could find to help you learn more about breast cancer – from prevention, to diagnosis to the latest in treatment news.
The positive news is early screening and improvements in cancer treatments have bumped the survival rate of Canadian women to 87 per cent. Read on to learn how you can lower your risk.

A cancer patient shares how she would like to be treated and supported by friends and family as she faces her illness.

How to know you're getting an accurate diagnosis, PLUS, what common prescription can lessen the effectiveness of the breast cancer drug Tamoxifen.

Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can cause confusing feelings. Here's some advice to help get you through this challenging time.

Learn how to inform and comfort your kids when you're battling cancer.

Some women have a higher risk of developing certain kinds of cancers than others. Prevention strategies and treatment options are as varied as the individuals in question.

Research shows that a regular gentle practice can improve survivors' quality of life.
Inspirational stories:

Broadcaster Maureen Holloway had a singular response to her breast cancer diagnosis: live, laugh and learn.

Canadian Idol Kalan Porter's world changed overnight when his mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Their courageous voyage has been filled with love and learning for mom and son.
Page 2 of 2 – Learn more about the breast cancer gene on page 1.