Prevention & Recovery

Estrogen, friend or foe?

Estrogen, friend or foe?

Author: Canadian Living

Prevention & Recovery

Estrogen, friend or foe?

Lorna Vanderhaeghe, author of Healthy Immunity and No More HRT, visited the set of Balance Television to talk to host Dr. Marla Shapiro about the health risks associated with high levels of estrogen. Vanderhaeghe talked about the dangers of excess estrogens, xenoestrogens or environmental estrogens, and where they come from. She also offered some great tips on how we can protect our bodies from these harmful toxins.

Vanderhaeghe says, "These toxic estrogens that we find in everyday substances are disrupting women's hormones and men's hormones and also our babies." The everyday substances she is talking about are things like: plastics, nail polish, PCBs, cosmetics, hair dye, and the number one concern, pesticides.

The consequence of having these environmental estrogens in our bodies presents itself in a variety of ways. For women it can be the cause of endometriosis, infertility (for men as well), and heavy periods. In children, it is causing girls to menstruate sooner (as early as the age of seven or eight) and boys to be born with smaller testicles and penises.

To learn more about xenoestrogens and how you can protect yourself, read Lorna Vanderhaeghe's Estrogen, Friend or Foe?


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Prevention & Recovery

Estrogen, friend or foe?
