Mind & Spirit

Top 4 ways to reduce stress

Top 4 ways to reduce stress

Author: Canadian Living

Mind & Spirit

Top 4 ways to reduce stress

Do you believe it when other women say they're not stressed? Between work, family and household commitments (and pets, extended family, holidays, birthdays...), there are plenty of ways for stressful situations to arise. We've compiled a list of expert tips and techniques to help you reduce stress instantly. These tools are ultra-effective, quick to learn and easy to remember – perfect remedies to help you reduce stress in your day.

Photo gallery: 9 tips to reduce stress
Improve your health by slowing down with nine easy ways to relax.

Chronic mental illness and emotional stress can raise blood pressure and damage arteries. One of the best things you can do to protect your heart is to stay relaxed – at home and at work. Stress-management expert Dr. David Posen offers these tips for a more serene life.

10 one-minute stress busters
Take a minute or two for yourself and relax with these simple tips.

Preparations and social activities, family obligations and get-togethers can frazzle your nerves. Take a minute or two for yourself and relax with these simple stress busters.

Reduce stress by switching your coffee break to a green tea break. Green tea contains some caffeine, says Penny Kendall-Reed, a naturopath in Toronto, but it also has compounds – L-theanine, an amino acid, and epigallocatechin gallate, an antioxidant – that can help lower stress hormones.

15 ways to de-stress from a hectic work week
It's Friday night — time to unwind. Here's how to relax and leave your work worries behind.

What can relax both mind and body better than a soak in the tub? Add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender, to help you relax.

Count to eight as you inhale deeply, letting your abdomen expand. Let go of all your worries as you exhale slowly, counting down from eight. Repeat eight times – you'll reduce stress and feel completely renewed.

Meditation basics to reduce stress instantly
Feeling stressed? Learn some meditation basics that'll help you train your brain to relax.

When you're rushing to keep up with personal relationships, work and other important obligations, you can often end up feeling frazzled and frustrated. If you're craving serenity, take a meditation break that will leave you calm and ready to face the world with renewed energy. Read on for meditation basics to get you started.

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Mind & Spirit

Top 4 ways to reduce stress
