Mind & Spirit

This Trick Will Help You Always Make the Right Decision

This Trick Will Help You Always Make the Right Decision

Photography, Kevin Turcios, Unsplash.com

Mind & Spirit

This Trick Will Help You Always Make the Right Decision

Do you have analysis paralysis? Or maybe you dread choosing between anything for fear you might not pick the ‘best’ option?

When it comes to making decisions, recent research shows that having too much information can be as harmful as not having enough. A study from the Stevens Institute of Technology, published in Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, revealed that more information doesn’t necessarily lead to better decisions. In fact, it might make them worse.

The Paradox of Information Overload

Samantha Kleinberg, the study’s lead author, highlights that while we often believe that more information leads to better decision-making, the reality is quite the opposite. "Most people's decision-making worsens when given additional facts and details," she explains. The study's experiments showed that participants who sought more information made poorer decisions than those who limited their information intake.

Limit the Information

The key to making better decisions lies in simplicity. People need straightforward and targeted information to make good choices. When you’re inundated with too much data, it leads to overthinking and confusion, ultimately impairing your decision-making abilities. Kleinberg notes, “Even a small amount of excess information can significantly negatively impact decision-making.” So maybe rethink asking everyone’s opinion when you’re making a decision for yourself.

Preconceived Notions vs. Decision-Making

Another critical aspect that affects decision-making is pre-existing beliefs and knowledge. These preconceived notions can distract from relevant information and complicate the decision-making process. For example, if you have preconceived ideas about the healthiest foods to eat, it can hinder your ability to effectively take in and understand new information presented to you.



Photography, Caleb George, Unsplash.com

Practical Implications for Everyday Decisions

The study's findings apply to almost all aspects of life, including work, relationships and health. When making decisions in any area, having too much information can make you less capable of making good choices. The overload of data creates a scenario where you struggle to discern which parts of the information are important.

Tips for Better Decision-Making

To always make the right decision, consider the following tips:

  • Limit Information Intake: Focus on essential information and avoid getting bogged down by excess details. Ask people to slow down or stop if they are presenting information to you you think you won’t need.
  • Be Aware of Biases: Recognize how your preconceived notions might influence your judgment.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Sometimes, less is more. Trust your gut when it aligns with your goals and values.
  • Reflect on Past Decisions: Learn from previous experiences to improve your future decision-making processes.





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Mind & Spirit

This Trick Will Help You Always Make the Right Decision
