Mind & Spirit
The best podcasts to feed your soul

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Mind & Spirit
The best podcasts to feed your soul
Essential listening for the spiritual (or just the spiritually curious)
Spirituality means different things for us all: Some find communion with the divine in a church, others connect with a higher power on the yoga mat, and some feel most connected being out in nature. Whatever "spirituality" means to you, there’s nothing quite like a podcast to make you think, get you reflecting and open you up to...well, whatever it is that you’re looking for.
Here are our favourite podcasts to nurture your spiritual self.
The Goop Podcast
Whatever you think about Gwyneth, you can give this to her: If there’s a trend in the world of wellness/wellbeing, she’s either a) the one who invented it and/or b) at the forefront of something that’s about to change the way most of us live. Because she’s Gwyneth, la Paltrow and her co-host, Goop’s chief content officer Elise Loehnen have access to basically everybody, which is why this podcast is the place to hear the likes of Oprah, Misty Copeland and Ashley Graham share their deep thoughts. In non-celeb episodes, the recent one on “Selfish Thankfulness” is an interesting new look at that old chestnut, gratitude.
The Good Life Project
This bi-weekly podcast tops the charts frequently for a good reason. It’s light on pop psychology, heavy on science and a proven strategy exploration on how to live a good life. It’s also not a podcast that shys away from The Big Questions with their interview guests, who have included Brene Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert and our personal favourite, the poet Cleo Wade. The breadth of topics covered is wide, offering an enlightened look at everything from money (yes, your $$$ can be spiritual!) to career stuff and how to love and live bravely.
On Being with Krista Tippett
If you’re looking for permission to take your inner life seriously, this podcast will empower you allllll day long. Host Krista Tippett is deeply invested in creating a safe, serious space for us all to think on the deeper, bigger things in life—something our fast-moving, often superficial world doesn’t always encourage or value. Some excellent recent episodes have covered everything from the value of boredom, how to be vulnerable and a personal favourite (with Elizabeth Gilbert again) “choosing curiosity over fear”.
Everything Happens
The host of this podcast wrote a book called Everything Happens For A Reason (And Other Lies I’ve Loved), based on her own experience of getting a terminal cancer diagnosis in her early 30s, and the way that rocked her faith, and her view of the world. Now, in conjunction with North Carolina Public Radio, she’s launched a podcast interviewing other people about how they’ve dealt with tremendous tragedy, and how they have (or haven’t) been able to carve meaning out of unimaginable suffering. It sounds dark, but it’s actually tremendously moving and quite frequently hilarious.
The Low Tox Life
The best word for this podcast is probably “holistic.” It approaches spirituality as a component of a whole life, which is why you get episodes on everything from the Swedish concept of lykke (it’s basically the new hygge) to hypnotherapy, from “high vibration living” to goal-setting and how to map out your personal value system. This one is fascinating just for some of the completely counter-cultural ideas it explores, and while say, you might not be willing to entirely embrace deep-healing your chakras, it’s always worth a listen as a reminder to keep your mind open to what else might be out there.