Mind & Spirit
Dreaming of Being Late: Interpretation and Meaning

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Mind & Spirit
Dreaming of Being Late: Interpretation and Meaning
If you dreamed that you were late, it is not by chance. Nicole Gratton, dream expert, puts her knowledge at your disposal to help you interpret this most common dream.
If you dreamed that you were late, it is not by chance. Nicole Gratton, dream expert, puts her knowledge at your disposal to help you interpret this most common dream.
What does it mean to dream of being late?
You must ask yourself the following question: "In what area of your life are you not well enough prepared? Whether it is a family, work or friendship situation, it is an invitation to invest more time or preparation.
Interpretation #2
Sometimes the dream of being late is premonitory. In this case, you should not take any risks: leave early for your appointments the next day.
Interpretation #3
It can also be a dream of release, in which you ignore the obligations and constraints that govern your life. In your dream, you allow yourself to be late, when it would be unthinkable to do so in your day life.
What does it mean to dream of missing a transport?
If you have dreamed of missing transportation, such as the bus or plane, it is a sign that you are not feeling up to a goal you have set for yourself. Your level of performance is too high in relation to your abilities, which can lead to stress.
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