
8 Yoga Poses For A Better Sleep

8 Yoga Poses For A Better Sleep

Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo


8 Yoga Poses For A Better Sleep

Winter is the perfect season for cocooning.

As you snuggle into bed, try incorporating these gentle and grounding postures for sweet dreams!


Legs up the wall


Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo

Lying on your back, bring your seat toward the wall. Extend your legs up so they’re supported by the wall. Open the arms out to either side or extend them above your head. Hold for 2 to 5 minutes. 


Reclined Spinal Twist


Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo

Still lying on your back, push yourself away from the wall by pressing your feet against it. Open your arms out to either side and bend your legs. Let your knees fall to the right as you turn your gaze to the left. Hold for 2 to 5 minutes. Repeat on the other side. 


Happy Baby


Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo

Lying on your back, bring your knees in toward your chest. Flex your feet so the soles are facing the ceiling. Reach your arms up to hold the inner or outer edge of your feet. Gently rock from left to right to relax your lower back. If the posture is too intense, try placing your hands on the backs of your thighs. Hold for 10 deep breaths. 


Pigeon Pose


Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo

In tabletop position, place a pillow in front of you. Bring your right knee to the outside of the right wrist. Extend the left leg behind you and lie down. Hold for 2 to 5 minutes. Repeat on the other side. 


Cat Cow


Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo

In tabletop position, inhale and slowly drop your belly, arching through the spine. Exhale, draw the belly button in and round through the spine. Repeat this sequence 10 times. Try adding in some other natural movements, such as stretching from side to side, rotating your shoulders and swaying the hips. 


Reclined Butterfly Pose


Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo

Place two pillows behind you and lie back. Bend your legs and allow your knees to gently fall to the sides, bringing the soles of the feet together. If there is
a lot of tension in the inner thighs, extend your legs out into a diamond shape. Open the arms out to either side. breathe deeply and hold for 2 to 5 minutes. 


Supported Forward Fold


Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo

Sitting with your legs extended, place a pillow under your knees and another on your legs. Take a deep breath in and exhale to fold forward. Breathe deeply and hold for 2 to
5 minutes.


Child's pose


Photography by Bruno Petrozza/C | Makeup by Nathalie Dodo

Sitting on your heels, open your knees wide and keep your big toes together. Place a pillow in front of you and lie down with your arms on either side. You can also place a pillow between your heels and buttocks for more comfort. Hold for 2 to 5 minutes. 




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8 Yoga Poses For A Better Sleep
