
8 Not-So-Spooky Halloween Yoga Poses

8 Not-So-Spooky Halloween Yoga Poses



8 Not-So-Spooky Halloween Yoga Poses

This month’s sequence features spooky poses like dragon, witch, zombie and black cat. Trick or treat? We say treat! It’s an opportunity to have fun on your mat and discover different ways of moving your body. Try it alone, or better yet, ask the kids to join you.

Dragon Pose



From downward-facing dog, step your right foot forward to the outside of your right arm. Bring your left knee to the floor. Let the right knee and hip open to the side. For a more intense stretch, bring your forearms down to the mat. Hold for five breaths. Repeat on the other side. 


Spider Pose


Stand with your legs wide apart, feet turned out 45 degrees. Bend your legs and place your hands on the floor, crossing your arms. For an added challenge, lift your heels. Hold for five breaths. 


Zombie pose



Lying on your back, extend your arms and legs up toward the ceiling, keeping knees, elbows and wrists slightly bent. Hold for five to 10 deep breaths. Gently return arms and legs to the mat. 


Corpse Pose



Lie on your back with your legs hip-width apart and your arms alongside your body, palms facing up. Scan your body from head to toe and invite yourself to relax. Hold for five to 10 minutes, breathing deeply.


Black cat pose



Start in tabletop position with your hands and knees on the floor. Exhale and round your back as much as possible. Inhale to return to a neutral spine. Repeat five to 10 times.


Crow Pose



Begin in a deep squat, heels lifted. Place your hands shoulder-distance apart on the mat, fingers spread wide. Lift your hips and tilt forward, placing your knees on your triceps. Lift one foot off the floor, then the other, alternating so you always have support on the floor. For a challenge, try lifting and holding one leg, then the other, and balance for a few breaths.


Witch on her broom pose



Starting in your dragon pose, bring the left knee in line with the ankle. Reach your arms back, placing your hands on the floor, left arm under left knee. For more intensity, raise both hands and lift the right knee off the mat. The witch is ready to fly! Repeat on the other side.


Monster Pose



Sit on your heels and open your knees to the side. Place your hands on the floor between your legs, fingers pointing toward you. Lengthen through the spine and arms. Inhale deeply through your nose. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue as much as possible, roll your eyes (without moving your head), and exhale making the sound, "Ahhhh." This pose is excellent for relieving stress, frustration, and anger. (This is in fact Lion Pose, renamed "Monster" for the occasion.)




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8 Not-So-Spooky Halloween Yoga Poses
