2 quick ways to a better butt

2 quick ways to a better butt
Intermediate Hip Bridge
Equipment: Mat (optional) and weighted ball
A. Lie on your back on the floor or mat with your knees bent, feet hip-distance apart on the floor, heels aligned vertically with your knees, and arms alongside your body on the floor. Place the weighted ball between your thighs just above your knees and squeeze throughout the exercise. See the moves.
B. Press your shoulders into the floor and pull your abdominals in (imagine your navel touching your spine). Keep your spine long and strong as you exhale, lifting your hips off the floor and pushing your them up into a bridge. Make sure you feel the lift in your buttocks. Pause at the top and inhale. Exhale as you lower back down to the starting position. See the moves.
Repetitions and sets:
Repeat slowly 10 times. If you want more of a challenge, hold each lift longer instead of doing more repetitions.
Advanced Hip Bridge
Equipment: Mat (optional) and stability ball
A. Lie on your back on the floor or mat with your arms alongside your body on the floor. Place both feet near the top of the ball, with your knees aligned directly over your hips. (If you need a little help staying balanced on the ball, place it against a wall.) See the moves.
B. Press your shoulders into the floor and pull your abdominals in (imagine your navel touching your spine). Keep your spine long and strong as you exhale, lifting your hips off the floor and pushing your trunk up into a bridge. Press your heels into the ball as you lift. Pause at the top and inhale. Exhale as you lower back down to the starting position. See the moves.
Repetitions and sets:
Do 10 slow repetitions. If you want more of a challenge, hold each lift longer instead of doing more repetitions. You can also combine these two bridge lifts for an extra-tough hip workout.