Health & Fitness
Workout glossary: 6 need-to-know fitness moves

Health & Fitness
Workout glossary: 6 need-to-know fitness moves
Have you ever been in a fitness class, soaked in sweat, watching the clock and BAM: Your instructor declares you're about to do a round of burpees? I have—and I'm not going to lie, I've dropped a few curses after hearing that when I enrolled in 8 weeks of
Femme Fitale classes this summer. [caption id="attachment_3119" align="aligncenter" width="393"]
Want Sammie Kennedy's shredded body? Try burpees.[/caption] But there are a few fitness moves whose names still trip me up. I turned to
Sammie Kennedy, the butt-sculpting, thigh-shredding, ab-flattening genius behind
Booty Camp Fitness and
Femme Fitale and
Canadian Living's own Fitness Expert
Pam Mazzuca Prebeg, who creates amazing workouts for our magazine to break down some strangely-named (and often, fairly difficult) moves.
"This is one of my favourite exercises because of the sheer number of muscles it recruits. It combines a squat, plank and vertical leap into one cardio packed move. Starting in a standing position with your hands above you, you’ll bend at the knees and bring your hands to the ground. Extend your legs back by either jumping or stepping back one at a time so you’re in a plank position. Then bend your knees and bring your legs back in and finish in a standing position."—Sammie Kennedy [caption id="attachment_3074" align="aligncenter" width="356"]
The oft-loathed 'burpee' move.[/caption] Click
here to see a video of Sammie relishing in burpee madness.
"While seated with your feet lifted off the floor and knees bent into your chest, clasp your hands behind your head. Extend both legs straight out as your lean back, touching your back to the floor but keeping your head and shoulders off the ground. Sit back up and return to starting position. That's one rep. Repeat as many times as you can in a row for one minute."—Sammie Kennedy.
Click here to see a photo of a V-sit.
"Do a low squat and touch both palms to the floor. Push off the floor into a high jump, landing in a squat placing hands on the floor again." —Sammie Kennedy.
Click here to see a photo of a V-Sit.
"Use a jump rope or rolled yoga mat as a line to jump across laterally. Stand with your feet together, pointing parallell along the line. Jump quickly sideways over the line and, upon landing, jump back across sideways. Repeat this at as fast as you can for a specified number of jumps or amount of time." —Sammie Kennedy. For a quick video,
click here.
PLANKS Check out
Canadian Living Fitness Expert Pam Mazzuca Prebeg demonstrate three difficult planks in
this video (or click the image below). [caption id="attachment_3124" align="aligncenter" width="630"]
How long can you hold a plank?[/caption]
TRICEP DIPS Ooooh, how I loathe these! Triceps are notoriosly a tough area to tone because they're underused compared to neighbouring muscles like biceps. [caption id="attachment_3123" align="aligncenter" width="485"]
Tricky-to-tone areas like the triceps benefit from the tricep dip, as seen above.[/caption]
