Health & Fitness

What's your favourite body part? And a chance to WIN!

Canadian Living
Health & Fitness

What's your favourite body part? And a chance to WIN!

5188xcfladl_sl500_aa300_We're always complaining about our bodies. Too fat. Too lumpy. Too large. Too flabby. It's common to hear people complain about the size of their hips, the girth of their thighs, their pudgy tummy or their multiple chins. But let's banish that negativity! Give yourself some love. Tell us about your favourite body part for a chance to WIN a copy of the new yoga DVD The Pursuit of Happy Hips with Eoin Finn and Elite Athletes. For a chance to WIN, just Subscribe To This Blog and post a comment telling us about your favourite body part. Is it your trim waist? Your cute feet? Your graceful neck? Your tiny wrists? Your beautiful complexion? Your strong shoulders? Or even your ample bosom! You have until Wednesday, April 28 to let us know. I'll announce the winner here on Thursday, April 29. Have you signed up for Spring Boot Camp yet? Spring Boot Camp is just around the corner. Sign up today and starting on May 3, 2010 you'll receive an e-newsletter each day for six weeks to motivate you to get healthy and fit - just in time for the summer. You'll lose weight and feel great!


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Health & Fitness

What's your favourite body part? And a chance to WIN!
