
The Perfect Dinner Time According to Experts

The Perfect Dinner Time According to Experts

Photography, Unsplash


The Perfect Dinner Time According to Experts

The time you eat dinner could have an impact on your overall well-being.

Here's the perfect dinner time according to experts!

Experts have finally determined what is the best time to consume your last meal of the day. The result may shock many.

In some cultures, eating dinner at 10 p.m. is common, however, dietician Tracy Lockwood Beckerman strongly advises against that habit.

In an interview with the HuffPost, the specialist explains that the ideal time for supper would be between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., since this allows the digestive system enough time to do its job before going to bed around 10 p.m. or 11 p.m.

If you like to eat late, your sleep could be disrupted by acid reflux and the process your body has to do to digest the food you just ate. The dietitian also adds, that the ideal time for supper could change depending on your habits. “Early risers” and “night owls” could have very different re-fuelling times and still sleep peacefully.

A general rule of thumb is to calculate three hours between your last bite and when you slip under the covers.




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The Perfect Dinner Time According to Experts
