Health & Fitness
5 Hacks To Get More Protein In Your Diet

Photo by Vincent Rivaud, Pexels
Health & Fitness
5 Hacks To Get More Protein In Your Diet
With these simple tricks, your meals will get a big boost!
Protein is an essential macronutrient for satiety, muscle-building and general health. It supports everything from the immune system to skin and hair. Experts recommend consuming 20g per meal, but there's nothing wrong with eating more!
Protein breaks down more slowly than some other nutrients, so including it at every meal ensures you're feeding it to your body all day. A consistent protein intake promotes stable blood sugar levels, which helps maintain energy levels from morning to night.
5 Tips for adding more protein to your meals
Customized breakfast bowl
Protein helps regulate blood sugar levels throughout the day, so it's important to get it in first thing. Add it to your oatmeal bowl with a few easy tricks:
- Cook your oats with milk instead of water (if you use one cup, thats 8g of protein)
- Mix your oatmeal with one or two eggs and cooks them like you're making scrambled eggs for a fluffy texture
- Add a scoop of protein powder (just make sure to add more cooking liquid, as the powder will absorb a lot of it)
Avocado Toast With Cottage Cheese
We love a slice of bread with smashed avocado on it, but it doesn't provide enough protein to keep you feeling satiated until your next meal. Top your next slice (or two) off with a scoop of cottage cheese—half a cup is 11g!
Cottage Cheese in Scrambled Eggs
Adding a few spoonfuls while you whisk your eggs can amp up the protein and flavour of your go-to breakfast. The small curds actually enhance the texture of your scrambled eggs.
Add seeds to your dishes
Seeds are an easy source of protein—and fibre—that you can include in almost every meal. Opt for hemp seeds on salad (3g per tablespoon), pumpkin seeds in stir-frys, chia seeds in smoothies or sunflower seeds as a snack.
Start with protein
If you're not sure where to start when it comes to getting more protein, make it the first thing you plate at your next meal. Add your chicken, yogurt or cottage cheese, then fill the rest of the space in with carbs and fats. if you make it the priority, your intake will go up.
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