The sleep quiz: Are you getting the quality of sleep you need?

The sleep quiz: Are you getting the quality of sleep you need?
Are you getting the sleep you need? Take our quiz and find out, then read on for tips for how to improve your Zzzs so you can get the rest – and energy – you need to feel your best every day.
1. Do you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock each morning to snag a few extra minutes in dreamland?
Yes: I'll take all the sleep I can get!
No: I'm good to go when – and sometimes before – the alarm goes off.
2. Do you work out at least three times per week?
3. Do your LOL moments outnumber your OMG! freakouts?
Yes: My sense of humour keeps me sane.
No: I don't have a lot to laugh about these days.
4. Does your bedmate's snoring interfere with the quality of your sleep?
Yes: I have trouble falling and staying asleep because of it.
No: It's not an issue for me.
5. Do you maintain a healthy diet?
Yes: I cook from scratch and avoid foods high in sodium, sugar, saturated fats and overly processed ingredients.
No: I'm busy, so take-out, restaurant meals and convenience foods make up a large portion of my diet, even though I know many are high in sodium, sugar and fat.
6. Are you overweight?
7. Does caring for a new baby (or elderly or ill relative) have you up at all hours?
8. Do you see your doctor for an annual physical?
9. Are you a late-night TV addict?
Page 1 of 3 -- Find out your results plus get tips on getting a better night's sleep on page 2
Read up on what your answers may mean for your sleep.
1. If you said YES: You're not getting your ideal amount of sleep. Doctors recommend seven to eight hours for adults, but some people need more. You'll know what's right for you when you wake up refreshed – not tired.
If you said NO: Great! You're in a good sleep groove.
2. If you said YES: Bravo! Exercise promotes good health – and quality sleep.
If you said NO: Prioritize fitness: It will improve your sleep and general health. And make no excuses. Got kids? Many facilities offer inexpensive onsite childcare so you can work out while your child plays in safe, supervised environment.
3. If you said YES: Keep it up: Laughter reduces stress - a known sleep thief.
If you said NO: Even if life's throwing you for a loop, make it a priority to go after a couple good belly laughs each day. You'll feel – and sleep – better.
4. If you said YES: If your bedmate's loud snoring is a problem, get him to the doctor. He may have sleep apnea and benefit from treatment. This will, in turn, help you sleep better, too.
If you said NO: What a relief. Read up on other common marital sleep conflicts here.
5. If you said YES: Cheers to healthy eating! A balanced diet is part of the formula for a good night's sleep. It'll help you maintain a healthy weight, a key to preventing sleep problems, including sleep apnea.
If you said NO: Try to eat better. Consumption of convenience foods can lead to weight problems, which are in turn tied to sleep problems. Furthermore, the energy slump that comes not long after a nutritionally empty meal often sends us running for sugary or fatty snack foods — adding more caffeine, fat and sugar to an already-bad mix. Get out of the vicious circle by trading convenience foods for fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.
Page 2 of 3 -- Find out the rest of your results and get more great sleep tips on page 3
6. If you said YES: Being overweight can negatively affect your sleep. And not getting enough sleep can make it harder to lose weight. The connection is obvious, and so is the solution: Start a healthy weight-loss regimen and work on developing proper sleep habits You'll see improvements in both parts of your life.
If you said NO: Good. You can add "improves sleep" to the list of benefits you're getting from your healthy weight.
7. If you said YES: A baby or elderly parent may need round-the-clock attention, but if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to continue to properly care for them. Now is the time to call in any favours: babysitting or senior-citizen-chauffeuring while you nap, say. If you can find the money for a night nurse or attendant, consider hiring someone to care-give once a week during some of the worst stretches.
If you said NO: Consider yourself lucky. Be generous and offer to help someone close to you who may be struggling with caring for a new infant or infirm parent. Take the responsibility off their hands for two or three hours so they can take a restful nap.
8. If you said YES: Physicals aren't fun, but kudos to you for keeping on top of things!
If you said NO: Be sure to schedule your appointment ASAP: Regular checkups are key to preventative health. If you're not sleeping well, it's crucial to have your doctor look into possible medical causes such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, depression, overactive thyroid, asthma, heart disease, stroke or other serious conditions.
9. If you said YES: Three letters: PVR. Record what you love and watch it at 9 p.m. tomorrow, not midnight tonight.
If you said NO: Good for you for knowing sweet dreams are better for you than late-night TV!
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1. Do you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock each morning to snag a few extra minutes in dreamland?
Yes: I'll take all the sleep I can get!
No: I'm good to go when – and sometimes before – the alarm goes off.
2. Do you work out at least three times per week?
3. Do your LOL moments outnumber your OMG! freakouts?
Yes: My sense of humour keeps me sane.
No: I don't have a lot to laugh about these days.
4. Does your bedmate's snoring interfere with the quality of your sleep?
Yes: I have trouble falling and staying asleep because of it.
No: It's not an issue for me.
5. Do you maintain a healthy diet?
Yes: I cook from scratch and avoid foods high in sodium, sugar, saturated fats and overly processed ingredients.
No: I'm busy, so take-out, restaurant meals and convenience foods make up a large portion of my diet, even though I know many are high in sodium, sugar and fat.
6. Are you overweight?
7. Does caring for a new baby (or elderly or ill relative) have you up at all hours?
8. Do you see your doctor for an annual physical?
9. Are you a late-night TV addict?
Page 1 of 3 -- Find out your results plus get tips on getting a better night's sleep on page 2
Read up on what your answers may mean for your sleep.
1. If you said YES: You're not getting your ideal amount of sleep. Doctors recommend seven to eight hours for adults, but some people need more. You'll know what's right for you when you wake up refreshed – not tired.
If you said NO: Great! You're in a good sleep groove.
2. If you said YES: Bravo! Exercise promotes good health – and quality sleep.
If you said NO: Prioritize fitness: It will improve your sleep and general health. And make no excuses. Got kids? Many facilities offer inexpensive onsite childcare so you can work out while your child plays in safe, supervised environment.
3. If you said YES: Keep it up: Laughter reduces stress - a known sleep thief.
If you said NO: Even if life's throwing you for a loop, make it a priority to go after a couple good belly laughs each day. You'll feel – and sleep – better.
4. If you said YES: If your bedmate's loud snoring is a problem, get him to the doctor. He may have sleep apnea and benefit from treatment. This will, in turn, help you sleep better, too.
If you said NO: What a relief. Read up on other common marital sleep conflicts here.
5. If you said YES: Cheers to healthy eating! A balanced diet is part of the formula for a good night's sleep. It'll help you maintain a healthy weight, a key to preventing sleep problems, including sleep apnea.
If you said NO: Try to eat better. Consumption of convenience foods can lead to weight problems, which are in turn tied to sleep problems. Furthermore, the energy slump that comes not long after a nutritionally empty meal often sends us running for sugary or fatty snack foods — adding more caffeine, fat and sugar to an already-bad mix. Get out of the vicious circle by trading convenience foods for fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.
Page 2 of 3 -- Find out the rest of your results and get more great sleep tips on page 3
6. If you said YES: Being overweight can negatively affect your sleep. And not getting enough sleep can make it harder to lose weight. The connection is obvious, and so is the solution: Start a healthy weight-loss regimen and work on developing proper sleep habits You'll see improvements in both parts of your life.
If you said NO: Good. You can add "improves sleep" to the list of benefits you're getting from your healthy weight.
7. If you said YES: A baby or elderly parent may need round-the-clock attention, but if you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to continue to properly care for them. Now is the time to call in any favours: babysitting or senior-citizen-chauffeuring while you nap, say. If you can find the money for a night nurse or attendant, consider hiring someone to care-give once a week during some of the worst stretches.
If you said NO: Consider yourself lucky. Be generous and offer to help someone close to you who may be struggling with caring for a new infant or infirm parent. Take the responsibility off their hands for two or three hours so they can take a restful nap.
8. If you said YES: Physicals aren't fun, but kudos to you for keeping on top of things!
If you said NO: Be sure to schedule your appointment ASAP: Regular checkups are key to preventative health. If you're not sleeping well, it's crucial to have your doctor look into possible medical causes such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, depression, overactive thyroid, asthma, heart disease, stroke or other serious conditions.
9. If you said YES: Three letters: PVR. Record what you love and watch it at 9 p.m. tomorrow, not midnight tonight.
If you said NO: Good for you for knowing sweet dreams are better for you than late-night TV!
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