Prevention & Recovery
Best health tips from mom: Canadian bloggers share

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Prevention & Recovery
Best health tips from mom: Canadian bloggers share
With Mother's Day approaching, what better time to acknowledge the women who are the golden source of so much great health advice? Where would we be without all the motherly wisdom that has inspired us and kept us on track throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood? We invited popular mommy bloggers from across Canada to share the healthiest lessons they ever received from their moms.
"The best health tip Mom gave me was never expressed in words. It came from the dance sessions we had while housecleaning, sweat dripping as we sang along to Kenny and Dolly. Exercise was a part of life. Exercise was fun."
– Jody Arsenault, Steinbach, Man.,
"My mom always has home remedies. One tip is a mixture of warm water and one teaspoon of salt to help alleviate a sore throat. And when all else fails, garlic cures everything! Have a cold? Garlic. Have the flu? Garlic. An ear infection? You guessed it: garlic!"
– Tenille Lafontaine, North Battleford, Sask.,
"I arrived at my mom's office, crying, frustrated and exhausted. I was pregnant with my second baby and she consoled me with this sentiment: As moms, it's our instinct to always put others first, but the reality is that happy, healthy children are the result of happy, healthy moms. Always remember to take care of you."
– Stephanie Holmes, London, Ont.,
"When things were tough for me growing up, my mom always used to remind me: 'This too shall pass.'These simple but meaningful words were so powerful and helped me get through whatever stressful situation I was facing. They still provide me comfort to this day!"
– Stacie Vaughan, Middleton, N.S.,
"My mom, a.k.a. The Magical Knower of All Things, taught me from a very early age that if I don't get enough sleep, I will not only be a complete grouch but also get sick and have terrible skin. She was right, of course."
– Andrea Traynor, Courtice, Ont.,
"At the onset of a cold, my mother would boil water with thinly sliced lemon zest. The zest would make the liquid bright yellow. Its flavour became synonymous with the feeling of comfort. Now I always make a nostalgic cup of tea with lemon zest to help fight a cold."
– Diana Mancuso, Toronto,
"My mom's best health tip is to never admit your age. While this tip didn't make that much sense when I was younger, it has hit the bull's-eye now, later in my life. Take care of yourself, keep them guessing and feel great about yourself!"
– Jeannine Miranda, Toronto,
"When it comes to stress, my mother always said to try not to worry about the small things. If you are hard on yourself about those, then what are you going to do when something major happens? It's best to take life day by day, smile and breathe."
– Alyssa Kingsbury, Ottawa,
"The best health tip my mom gave me was when my son was born and she said to ask friends and family for help when I needed some rest. Being rested was the best thing I could do to be a good mom to my new son."
– Amy Urquhart, Bowmanville, Ont.,
"When I was younger, my mother told me never to start smoking. My dad smoked and she saw how hard it was for him to quit. I didn't listen, but she was right. Quitting was hard. I wish I could take back every cigarette I ever smoked, especially the first one."
– Sheri Landry, Edmonton,
"I remember how important eating my peas was to my mother when I was a child. She would justify them to me by explaining the health benefits. Today I no longer eat them. However, I have learned how to replace peas in my diet with foods that provide the same health benefits."
– Tammy Mitchell, Kawartha Lakes, Ont.,
"The best health tip my mom gave me is to never skip a meal. She always stressed the importance of eating regular meals to ensure that you're at your best all day long. Visitors to my mom's house are fed a hot meal, no matter the time of day."
– Tilley Creary, Toronto,
"As kids, we sometimes end up learning from our parents' mistakes, and that's OK. Seeing the awful side-effects of smoking and watching both of my parents struggle to quit time and time again, the best health tip I ever received was to never start smoking."
– Jennifer B.,
"The best health tip my mom gave me, mom to mom, was to look after myself first. Like on an airplane when they tell us to put on our own oxygen masks before assisting other passengers, if we don't look after ourselves, we won't be much good to our families."
– Deborah Coombs, Scarborough, Ont.,
"The best health tip my mom ever gave me was to believe in myself – that I could do anything I put my mind to. That encouragement put me in the right mindset. I've recently changed my habits to lose 50 pounds – and run my first 5K."
– Karen Hewko, Hamilton,
"Don't whine when you're sick. It doesn't make anyone feel better, least of all you. Now that I'm a mom, I totally get what she means!"
– Colleen Seto, Bragg Creek, Alta.,
"After the birth of my first son, I worried about how I could clean my house while caring for a baby. My mom said that caring for myself was more important than cleaning, so I should sleep at the same time as my newborn to stay healthy for him!"
– Kathryn Lavallee, Lumsden, Sask.,
"My mom was a very open woman. There were no halted conversations when I was old enough for 'the talk.' She kept to facts and shared how to use feminine products safely, without flinching. I appreciated that. With my girls approaching that time, I will follow in her footsteps."
– Julia Gabriel, Lévis, Que.,
If you enjoyed these tips, check out 20 ways to boost your health. And if you're looking to find your voice and get going on your own mom blog, here's how to succeed.
If you enjoyed these tips, check out 20 ways to boost your health. And if you're looking to find your voice and get going on your own mom blog, here's how to succeed.
This story was originally titled "Mother Knows Best!" in the May 2013 issue. Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue! |