Nutrition for the mind, body, and spirit: An overall guide for your mental health, physical being and spirit.

Nutrition for the mind, body, and spirit: An overall guide for your mental health, physical being and spirit.
We all know that our diet and lifestyle have an impact on our overall well-being. Despite this knowledge, the fundamentals of healthy eating and living are still lacking.
There are many different nutritional theories out there today making it difficult to determine what is best for your mind, body, and spirit. The truth is that our gut microbiomes are so different and unique that there is no way to prescribe a single diet that will help everyone reach optimal health.
To help guide you in the right direction, here are 5 nutrition tips to satisfy your mind, body, and spirit:
1 – Eat Enough Food to Fulfill Your Specific Needs and Objectives.

Without an adequate amount of food, the mind, body, and spirit cannot thrive, but fortunately, there are clear indicators of under-eating to look out for.
The first step is to calculate an estimate of your daily calorie needs, then adjust your intake based on your energy levels, mood, and any weight changes. Keep in mind that the energy you require each day will not always be the same. For example, you will need to eat more and increase your caloric intake as you get more active. On the other hand, if you change from an active to a sedentary lifestyle, you will need to reduce what you eat to stay healthy and not gain weight.
It is all about understanding the balance of how much fuel you need for the energy that you burn at any given time – there is no secret or magic number! Our Registered Dietitian collaborator mentions to trust your appetite as it is your best indicator for knowing if you have eaten enough.
2 – Balance Your Macronutrients

Protein, carbohydrates, and fats are the three types of macronutrients you consume the most and that provide you with energy. It is important to note that no single food can provide all the nutrients your body needs.
Always remember that a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates, and fats from whole-food sources is preferable for optimal health and wellbeing – cutting off an entire macro is not a sustainable long-term solution for most people because it may accelerate muscle loss, decrease bone density, and also cause you to miss out on key micronutrients essential for your brain to function at it’s best.
3 – Do Not Substitute Food Quality for Saving Money.

Today’s society is so focused on efficiency that we have neglected the importance of eating whole foods. Sure, eating fast food and junk food is cheap, quick, and enjoyable, but unhealthy when consumed in big quantities.
Highly processed foods are loaded with saturated fats and trans fats, they also contain empty calories which means you get energy without the needed vital nutrients. This may satisfy your body in the short term, but soon enough you will feel the lethargy set in your mind and in your spirit.
Putting a little bit more money into organic whole foods, fruits, and vegetables is a healthy investment for your well-being and health. Try this amazing nutritionist approved Kale Millet Strawberry Salad!
4 – Be Mindful When You Eat.

Do you ever eat so quickly and that you wonder where your meal went? When it comes to eating, try to make it a priority to practice mindfulness techniques.
Some tricks that you can start implementing today are to take the time and focus on your chewing. Take the extra step and make sure all your food is properly chewed before swallowing. Slowing down your eating will also trick your mind into thinking you are full with less! You can also try turning off your TV and putting down your phone while eating. Instead, focus on the scents and sights around you – this will help you feel full and present.
Eating is not a race and slowing down by being mindful will be a pleasant experience that is sure to satisfy your soul.
Also, our Toronto dietitian team collaborator mentions to always remember that you should never feel like you need to finish your plate when you are no longer hungry, no matter where you are. Why waste food by overeating when you can bring it back from the restaurant for another meal or simply keep a small amount for a snack. Food also tastes so much better when we are hungry.
5 – Get Expert Recommendation.

Finally, it is always encouraged to see a dietician that can help create a customized meal plan for your individual needs.
Dietitians work on the assumption that all foods are fine in moderation and balance. A dietician will never stop you from consuming specific foods unless there is a solid cause. Instead, they will provide you advice on how to improve your nutrition and overall health.
Because there are so many unqualified people offering nutrition advice, make sure your dietician is registered with your province's regulating agency. We have a team of Local Registered Dietitians on hand at TeamNutrition to assist you with any nutrition needs you may have – contact us today to discover how we can assist you!
Local registered dietitians are available in Toronto, Markham, Ottawa, Kanata and Nepean as well as available almost anywhere in Canada with an internet connection for online dietitian counseling.