5 foods to add to your diet for beautiful skin

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5 foods to add to your diet for beautiful skin
A few years ago, I wrote a book called The Natural Makeover Diet: A 4-Step Program to Looking and Feeling Your Best From the Inside Out (Wiley, 2005), which became an instant, the national bestseller. The book outlined four steps to help women achieve inner health and outer beauty. Of course subject of skin was covered – from how to anti-age your skin to how to reduce fine lines and acne.
Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and its health and appearance are a direct reflection of what is going on internally. In other words, the cleaner your internal system is, the cleaner your complexion will be.
By incorporating some simple changes to your diet, you can make your skin appear 10 years younger. Sound too good to be true? Well, it's not! Simply follow the steps below and watch your skin begin to get back its natural glow.
How to get beautiful skin
1. Eat fish and take 2 grams of distilled fish oil supplements daily: Inflammation can cause your skin to age faster than it should. Research has shown that a diet with too few essential fatty acids can contribute to inflammatory skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. Omega-3 fatty acids also contribute to healthy circulation, which is crucial for healthy looking skin.
Cold-water fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines are good sources of omega-3, as are walnuts, almonds, ground flaxseeds and flaxseed oil. For an extra boost of omega-3, I recommend a daily supplement of distilled fish oil, which can be found in liquid or capsule form at your local health food store.
2. Opt for oysters: In addition to eating cold-water fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, try including some oysters in your diet. Oysters are high in zinc, a mineral that is critical for skin repair and renewal. Other zinc-rich foods include sesame seeds, roasted pumpkin seeds and peanuts.
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