Mind & Spirit
5 ways to make that vacation feeling last

Photography, Shot by Cerqueira, Unsplash.com
Mind & Spirit
5 ways to make that vacation feeling last
When we come back from vacation, we (hopefully) feel more relaxed and rejuvenated!
When we've had time to rest, to forget the stress of work and the worries of everyday life we think more clearly and see things from a better perspective.
But how do you make this feeling of lightness and optimism last in everyday life? Better still, how do you get it even if you haven't had a vacation?
Here are a few tips to keep the fun going and avoid falling back on autopilot until your next holiday!

Photography, Studio Labonheure, Pexels.com
When you're travelling, it's easy to be amazed. You discover new cities, new cultures, new languages... Our senses are constantly stimulated by the stream of novelty.
Why not try to recapture that feeling of discovery close to home? Learning a new language, taking a world cuisine class, going to see a show or play, visiting museums, strolling through neighbourhoods that are a little less familiar to us are all fun ways to see your hometown in a different light. The important thing is to discover new things, other than the ones on our screens!
It's a scientifically proven fact that walking in nature does you a world of good! Just because we live in the city doesn't mean we can’t enjoy some fresh air! Pick up a book and head over to your nearest park to soak up some vitamin D and get your boost of serotonin.
You can also check out national parks near you, or a fun new hiking trail to try!
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The advantage of being on vacation is having the time. To be able to wake up (without an alarm!) and have no obligations, to be able to relax and take the time to listen to yourself. Although this is certainly more difficult to recreate in everyday life, it's not impossible!
Take a few minutes a day, alone, to do some breathing exercises, to meditate, write, or stretch. It'll give your brain a break and allow you to refocus.
Once you're back in the "rise-and-grind" mode, it can feel like the days follow each other a little too closely. Why not try taking small breaks to shake things up? Take a short walk before starting work, go out to read a bit at lunchtime, have coffee with a friend, go to a museum or cinema on a weekday evening.
Taking care of ourselves is certainly something that can help us recreate that vacation feeling. And if it's good for us, it's also good for the people around us. It’s not a secret that before you can take care of others, you must take care of yourself first. So, yes, go ahead and take the time to soak in a nice bath, treat yourself to a facial, massage, or manicure.
It is the little things that make up our greater happiness. For instance, wearing your favourite perfume on Sunday afternoons while lounging in your pyjamas, blasting your favourite album at full volume, going for a walk hand in hand with your lover; in short, allow yourself to do what your mind and body need to recharge your batteries before you’re running on fumes!
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